Category Archives: Thoughts


Logo_Saying_New_JJanuary 15, 2018     BZN News     [Brussels]

Commenting on the call by scientists, whose review of the brain activity/imaging data collected in all studies of the physical functioning of the brain disclosed the existence of individuals who functioned as ‘dumb nodes’, for governments and individuals to pursue behaviours that promote thinking and provide immunization against the effect of ‘dumb nodes’ the Association of Thought Enforcement Agencies stated that, in light of the stress of living in today’s world, a reduction in brain activity with a commensurate reduction in thought leading to stress reduction from the non-thought of ‘don’t worry, be happy’ is not something to be cavalierly dismissed and avoided as called for by scientists.

Citing the scientists failure to consider the benefits of stress reduction, the Association called for governments and individuals not to be hasty in pursuing thinking with its increase in stress, but to wait until the benefits of the existence of ‘dumb nodes’ and decreased brain activity could be assessed.



January 15, 2018     BZN News     [Geneva]

Advances in imaging technology now allow scientists and researchers to observe the brain functioning in real time. This has allowed scientists and researchers to have test subjects read, do mathematics, listen to music etc. and observe what part or parts of the brain are used in performing specific tasks.

Scientists announced today that a review of the mass of data collected on the functioning of the human brain in recent years has revealed the existence of individuals who, when interacted with, result in a reduction of brain activity in anyone interacting with these individuals.

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Media: Public Myth Versus Bottom Line Reality Part I

”Why is the hard-headed Clark suddenly morphing into a soft-hearted mushball?”

There is a widely held public belief that the media’s job is to provide the information that the public needs to be informed on issues

As is the case with the majority of widely held public beliefs, especially the beliefs/myths we base the governance of Canada on, the myth is untrue.


Continue reading Media: Public Myth Versus Bottom Line Reality Part I