Fredric Brown was a master of the short story including what is probably the shortest published science fiction short story:
“The last man on Earth sat alone in a room. There was a knock at the door…”
The Aswer considers the question “Is there a God?”
I have include the version from “From These Ashes: The Complete Short SF of Fredric Brown” and the version from Baen’s short story collection “If This Goes Wrong” edited by Hank Davis.
The NDP/Green collaboration is trying to sell the claim that changing the electoral process is about improving the electoral system…
….although they have not provided any facts or evidence to support their assertion. Instead, to accomplish this assumed ‘improvement’ they are rushing into changing how we elect politicians and governments with a process mind boggling in its slipshod recklessness.
The May 30, 2018 Abbotsford News editorial “New Weapons Needed” about the continuing death toll taken by fentanyl brought to mind the words “makes clear the writer is part of the conforming majority, complacently adjusted to accepting what society believes – knows for sure – about drug use and related issues.
The problem…….is that what is accepted as known for sure is wrong.
The bold words are taken verbatim from a commentary on the October 31, 2017 Abbotsford News editorial on drug overdose deaths.
At some point Sunday afternoon person [or persons] unknown slunk onto the property of a local charitable organization and ‘donated’ their rejectamenta, dumping it beside a dumpster.
It was Sunday, the building was clearly closed and the ‘generous’ Abbotsford citizen(s) drove past two signs, one stating donations were only accepted during the hours donation drop-off is open [the hours were specified] and one stating that donation drop-off was closed.
Even if the couch, love seat and chair had not been rubbish when generously bestowed beside the charity’s dumpster, sitting overnight in the rain, wet and cold would ensure it was trashed come Monday morning.