Category Archives: Issues

Hypothetically Speaking

Part III of VI

He [Mayor Braun] said: ….creating an Abbotsford-specific strategy will help.”

Hypothetical: adj. 1. supposed but not necessarily real or true. 2. of                                                  or based on or     serving as a hypothesis.

                                n.         a hypothetical proposition, statement etc

Hypothesis   n.    1.  a proposition made as a basis for reasoning                                                         without the assumption of its truth. 2. a                                                                 supposition made as a starting point for further                                               investigation from known facts. 3. a groundless                                                 assumption.

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Effective Housing First versus Invented in Abbotsford housing first

Part II of VI

According to Mayor Braun the $400,989 in federal funding will be used to create a new intake and referral system for the homeless in Abbotsford that is anticipated to be a key component in Abbotsford’s housing-first approach to homelessness.



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