Category Archives: Finances

Pete McMartin, Housing and Knowing So Much That Ain’t So – Part I of III

Unmistakably apparent, at least to a creatively maladjusted polymath, in the smooth flow of Pete McMartin’s ‘A Limit to Social Housing’ on housing in Vancouver is the root cause of the deterioration affordable housing, homelessness, the economy, Canada’s standard of living and so much of Canadian life suffers.


Actions and policies cannot effectively address the challenges and issues facing Canada and Canadians [governments, businesses, citizens] when the decisions, policies and actions are based on myth.

Continue reading Pete McMartin, Housing and Knowing So Much That Ain’t So – Part I of III

Ass Biting Irony

Knowing I had volunteered to setup, tear-down and cleanup for the Blue Bus, a friend brought me a copy of Regina Dalton’s July 29th Abbotsford News Letter to the Editor when he came to access the meal, foodstuffs and clothing provided by the Blue Bus two Sundays a month.

Being July 31, once cleanup was finished I headed home to pay September’s rent before heading to find a spot to write about yet another absurd decision by politicians and bureaucrats to waste money on an ineffective ‘get the homeless off the streets’ boondoggle. Another demonstration of politicians masterful ability to increase homelessness, poverty, economic disadvantage, their salaries and the levels of Irony in Canada.


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Disability Benefit Change

The change to PWD [person with disability] announced in the Budget has set off a firestorm.

The change would seem to be about fairness, not about livability.

Al least I hope it is not about the cost of living in the lower mainland. If the premier, the finance minister and the Liberal caucus think that a $77.00 increase in PWD reflects the cost of living in the lower mainland the citizens of BC are in deep, deep trouble given how out of touch with economic reality that would be. .

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