Category Archives: Politics

Et tu Plecas?

I don’t really want to get into the specifics because she’s gone, let her leave with grace. You don’t have to beat people up.”

With that statement MLA Darryl certainly provided a notable example of Orwellian Newspeak.

To make that statement after having, at length, denounced Christy Clark for having no “moral compass’; of not “always trying to do the right thing” but of making decisions “with political calculations front-of-mind”; and of having “$6 billion of surpluses and not [be] doing things for people in need”; is hypocrisy wrapped in insincerity.

Continue reading Et tu Plecas?

Premier  Horgan Buys a Folly….er…Bridge.

In blathering on about the NDP keeping an election promise, the media once again fails to ask important questions. For example: is the removal of the bridge tolls a promise that should ever have been made, much less kept.

That the NDP are keeping an election promise will not make paying the consequences of Horgan’s Folly any less costly or painful.


Continue reading Premier  Horgan Buys a Folly….er…Bridge.

Media: Public Myth Versus Bottom Line Reality Part I

”Why is the hard-headed Clark suddenly morphing into a soft-hearted mushball?”

There is a widely held public belief that the media’s job is to provide the information that the public needs to be informed on issues

As is the case with the majority of widely held public beliefs, especially the beliefs/myths we base the governance of Canada on, the myth is untrue.


Continue reading Media: Public Myth Versus Bottom Line Reality Part I