Category Archives: Politics

Unperceived? Wilfully Denied? Ignored? Media’s Missing Reality

I received a offer from the new editor-in-cheif of the National Post [see below]. While poverty prevents me from subscribing to any daily newspaper, considering the fact the letter made it to me I wrote the new editor-in-cheif of the National Post to draw to her attention the Reality that media fails to write about. Continue reading Unperceived? Wilfully Denied? Ignored? Media’s Missing Reality

Yes YOU are Mayor Braun

Part VI of VI

Braun said, “I know people say we are just studying this to death – no, we’re not.”

Mayor Braun you are not only studying it to death, you are POINTLESSLY studying it to death. By refusing to acknowledge the research and studies already done on Housing First Mayor Braun, City Council and the Abbotsford Homeless Advisory are preventing the creation and implementation of an effective Housing First Action plan that would reduce homelessness in Abbotsford.


Continue reading Yes YOU are Mayor Braun

Facts? Change My Mind? Learn? Reality?

Part V of VI

The actions and behaviours of the City of Abbotsford demonstrate a failure to access the knowledge and experience available about the how and wherefore of providing effective Housing First.

However, the most appalling wilful ignorance by the politicians, bureaucrats and members of homeless advisory is the indifference, the lack of character inherent in…….

Continue reading Facts? Change My Mind? Learn? Reality?

In Regard to Housing First Abbotsford Failed to…..

Part IV of VI

Arrogance, can’t be bothered, impatience [which would be highly ironic seeing as their impatience has – to date – wasted more than 10 years], what they ‘know for sure’ that ain’t so, closed minds, that’s not what I want to hear, eventually someone will tell us what we want to hear right? lack of compassion, lack of caring …….

There are a multitude of reasons, singly or in combination, that could be responsible for why the politicians, bureaucrats and members of the homeless advisory ignore or are unable to comprehend that the only approach that has repeatedly – and with repeatability – demonstrated it’s effectiveness in enabling the homeless to regain control over their lives is Housing First.

Continue reading In Regard to Housing First Abbotsford Failed to…..

Hypothetically Speaking

Part III of VI

He [Mayor Braun] said: ….creating an Abbotsford-specific strategy will help.”

Hypothetical: adj. 1. supposed but not necessarily real or true. 2. of                                                  or based on or     serving as a hypothesis.

                                n.         a hypothetical proposition, statement etc

Hypothesis   n.    1.  a proposition made as a basis for reasoning                                                         without the assumption of its truth. 2. a                                                                 supposition made as a starting point for further                                               investigation from known facts. 3. a groundless                                                 assumption.

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