Category Archives: The James Commentary

Short thoughts on something that caught my attention or triggered a thought.

Abbotsford News re: Proportional Representation

My proportional representation voting package arrived the other day.

I will be voting NO as should everyone, including those who support proportional representation, because the process is so flawed that NO is the only option where there is any certainty as to the electoral process we are voting for.

Roadmap Understanding NDP proposal

Continue reading Abbotsford News re: Proportional Representation

Proportional Representation [Electoral Reform] 6 of 6

Electoral Reform 6 of 6


With Media attention focused on the bottom line, cutting costs and survival and in light of the reality that the biggest, most pervasive lack of truthfulness by politicians is not commission [telling a lie] but omission [not speaking of something] a desirable quality of life for BC citizens is entirely in the hands of BC citizens themselves and dependent on citizens practicing caveat emptor, paying attention, being observant, diligent and investing time in thinking and doing their own homework.

Case in point: the NDP/Green stealth modus operandi to change the electoral system to proportional representation. The NDP/Green collaboration is so focused on the strategic advantages of a proportional representation electoral system in terms of forming the government and holding onto power [see Appendix A] that the other effects and consequences apparently do not matter to them.

Deal for you J

Continue reading Proportional Representation [Electoral Reform] 6 of 6

Proportional Representation [Electoral Reform] 4 of 6

Electoral Reform 4 of 6

I suspect that the idea that our electoral system is ‘broken’ and needs ‘fixing’ is a reflection of voters dissatisfaction with government.

But is democracy ‘broken’ and can, not will but can, changing the electoral system ‘fix’ what is ‘broken’?

On the question of whether democracy in Canada is ‘broken’ read “The Unbroken Machine: Canada’s Democracy in Action” by Dale Smith (2017).

The Unbroken Machine

Continue reading Proportional Representation [Electoral Reform] 4 of 6