Category Archives: The James Commentary

Short thoughts on something that caught my attention or triggered a thought.

Disaster Poised Like a Tsunami Part II of II

Enter the Hero.

It came to be that I found myself sitting in the Macdonalds at Metrotown in Vancouver, having made my way there from where my car had died on me many blocks away, with my Tab 3 connected to Macdonalds WiFi with access to internet pondering Hmm.

As I sitting there pondering who to email the Facebook app that I opened along with email and chrome [google search] browser popped up an Icon that someone in my friends list had just opened their Facebook app. A click and I could see it was a friend who lives in Vancouver who i met while I was living in the car I owned at the time.


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Disaster Poised Like a Tsunami Part I of II


Wherein the Universe launches its’ latest assault upon The James, seeking to silence another polymath dedicated to disciplined non-conformity and creative maladjustment.

The assault began with a deceptively simple knock on the door which opened to revealed a layer’s minion who served the papers for a civil lawsuit.

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See Canada – Join the Debate Team

One of my two nieces living in St. Johns Newfoundland is on her high school debate team. A team that recently was in Victoria BC for a …….

What do you call a debate competition? A Great Debate Off or The Great Debate Off is On or The War of Words? November; Victoria; The War of Words will be Waged!


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Re: Viewpoint published December 2, 2015 Part II of II


The Shrill Shriek of the Abbotsford Shill – II of II.

There is a certain black humour in the fact commenting on the Viewpoint of December 2, 2015 requires more words than were in the Viewpoint itself; enough words to result in a Part I and a Part II. The need for all the additional words reflects how much easier it is to create a false impression than it is to correct that false impression.

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