“There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics.” Mark Twain
Twain attributed the quote to British politician Disraeli but researchers have concluded that the phrase originally appeared in 1895 in an article by Leonard H. Courtney. Ironically Mark Twain is credited with saying that “it isn’t what we don’t know that causes problems but what we know for sure – that ain’t so”.
The fault lies not with the science of statistics but with what we know about statistics that ain’t so. .
It’s rather self-evident that the Universe permits me to have a car only in order to ensure it has a handy tool with which to torment and drive me crazy.
Managing to survive and successfully deal with whatever the latest challenge thrown my way by my car brings no sense of accomplishment or relief,it simply marks the start of the countdown to the arrival of the next potential disaster.
For the Universe it does not matter how many times it fails since it only needs to win once. Having been stripped to the bone, I have been left with no cushion and so cannot afford to fail even once.
Which makes the car a most effective tool to torment and drive me into retreating from the world.