So our MLA’s are once again trying to chow down deeper from the public trough. This time they have concocted a very clever scheme to cover their posteriors with the public. We now have a “independent” triumvirate appointed to apply whitewash to the MLA’s quest for salary increases.
Two points to keep in mind about this so-called independent review. The first is that they are chosen by the government, not through a random or “blind” selection process. I do not see anyone on the review that is known as being anti-raise to represent the “they are already overpaid” point of view. Why am I not surprised? Second, where is the ordinary citizen represented on this committee or is the salary issue “to complex” for them to understand.
Salary raises should be earned by accomplishment. Have you needed medical services lately? Health care system crisis; growing homelessness and poverty; people being squeezed out of homeownership due to astronomical prices; a growing crisis of affordable housing – people who even with full time employment who cannot afford housing; the list goes on and on. Address or better yet come up with innovative solutions to these issues THEN talk to me about deserving a pay raise.
I see nothing from ANY of our provincial politicians that suggests they deserve or are worthy of a pay raise.
If they find it to tough to live on their $83,000, perks and benefits let them do what many of those whose tax dollars pay their salary are forced to do when faced with needing extra money – get a second job. Wal-Mart, McDonalds are always looking for people which would both put them in up close and personal contact with the citizens and deliver to them a reminded/sharp lesson on real life for the non-privileged politician.