
I volunteer. My time is the only asset I have to donate right now, but that is exactly what so many worth while groups need. The ingredients for meals would just lie there without those who give of their time to cook, deliver and serve the food. It matters not how much money is in the bank account of Big Brothers, Big Sisters, without people willing to be big brothers and sisters – giving their time – there is no one to pair with little brothers and sisters.

Hmmmm. Here is a challenge for those who so casually apply the labels addicts, bums or your label of choice. Volunteer. Somewhere you will have repeated contact with those in need. Serve lunch at the Salvation Army or give your time to one of the groups that feed the hungry. For those who are seeking a real challenge: Street Hope. No group has come forward to provide food and open up on Tuesdays to provide warmth and a chance to dry out (literally not figuratively). Get a group together, talk to Dave about what is needed (604-832-8884) and spend time on Tuesdays helping out. That way you get the opportunity to get to know them as people, not labels. Those with closed minds can find those who fit their labels. But those willing to approach with patience and open minds may find themselves surprised at who they will meet. They may also find that even those who their labels fit (i.e. drunk) are still real people, people with problems, who need help and support if ever they are to overcome their problems.

Are you someone who knows everyone? Knows who is looking for workers and what they are looking for in employees? Can hook anyone up with a job? Drop by Street Hope some Friday evening. Someone there will be able to get together with you to see about helping those who, for whatever reason, have trouble finding work. Perhaps, should I be there you will even be able to help me.

Volunteer. You may just find out, as I did, what you get back is so much more than you give.

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