I have started collecting the bits of paper that seem to be demanded these days for employment, such as First Aid level 1. While reading some of the recent comments by various politicians at all levels it occurred to me that it would benefit citizens immensely if politicians were required to complete a boot camp to reacquaint them with the reality most of their constituents face daily.
Instead of orientation that focuses on the ins and outs of bureaucracy and power, boot camp would ensure a solid understanding of the reality of life for the average citizen. All elected politicians would be required to be certified as having successfully completed boot camp in order to hold the position for which they were elected.
We would start by testing ingenuity, adaptability and fortitude by dropping politicians into an unknown city and requiring them to survive homeless and at the mercy of the systems they are or will be responsible for. By starting with the toughest challenge first we quickly weed out those wretches unfit to hold responsible office. This test also needs to be first because fairness requires we send the politicians onto the street with the highest reserves of stored energy (fat) and rest possible.
The second stage of training requires the aspiring politician to hold a minimum wage cleaning position and to survive on the wages earned at the minimum wage. This will reacquaint the aspirant with the concept of “working for ones keep” and provide direct experience with the difference between a minimum wage and a living wage you can actually live on. It also holds the promise of teaching the aspirant the value of a dollar and to clean up the messes they so often leave lying around the political, financial and spiritual landscapes.
The final stage is to hold a sales/service position at $15 an hour. This will hopefully provide instruction in the concepts of budgeting and avoiding wasteful spending. A sales/service position was chosen in hopes of giving experience and instruction in what is meant by service.
At the end of the process the politicians would be granted a certificate for a “Reality Check”.
I can hear the politicians claiming this would be a waste of taxpayers money. The certification already providing beneficial effects – the politicians have developed a concern for wasting taxpayers money! Further, with all the reality shows on television by filming and syndicating this process we can not only pay for the certification process but with skillful marketing make a profit.
Watching and listening to politicians these days it is clear they have no understanding of the reality most Canadians deal with and live in day to day, with no interest in gaining understanding. If they want to be in government of Canadians they should be required to have an understanding of all Canadians – not just the wealthy, big business, special interests and their own self-interests.