Picture worth more than words – in shining light on City’s Mickey Mouse Behaviours

Below is the photo of the board at Abbotsford Recreation Centre (week of February 25, 2008) that the Abbotsford Parks and Rec department needed so badly for advertising and promoting their programs that they HAD to take over the board used for posting community announcements and upcoming events.

Below is the photo of the smaller board put in for the community to use – after public complaints about Parks and Rec actions were made to council. Fortunately inquiries by the mayor resulted in the new board going in immediately instead of at some indefinite time in the future as Parks and Rec stated would/could happen.

Now, Parks and Rec desperately needed the board for what exactly?

Parks and Rec has the big board and the small board is for community announcements because … …Parks and Rec felt like it or that this is the way it is done in Abbotsford?

And City hall wonders why people think they pay no attention to taxpayers needs or customer service/satisfaction.

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