Ethics and Choice

Abbotsford City Council has $1.73 million to subsidize Entertainment and Sports……

Abbotsford City Council has an additional $1.1 million to subsidize the ownership of a professional hockey team……

Abbotsford City Council has another $115,000 to subsidize golf plus clubhouse food and beverage services……

And Abbotsford City Council has $0.00 to keep the warm zone open.

Council has $2.945 million for frivolous pursuits and $0.00 for saving, reclaiming and transforming lives.

A budget – spending – reflects the values and ethics of Council, our City and its people.

$3 million to subsidize amusing ourselves and $0.00 to reach out to those in our City in desperate need of love and caring reflects a Council, a City, a people who are not simply ethically challenged, but suffering a critical ethical deficit.

Not that this is the first time a city, a people, have suffered a critical ethical deficit.

And……Abbotsford Council does have its Coliseum, a group of disposable people and just down the road – the lions at the Greater Vancouver Zoo……

Even the most rational approach to ethics is defenceless if there isn’t the will to do what is right” Alexander Solzhenitsyn

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