Learn from past failures? … Not Abbotsford City Council

If you are planning to stage a crime spree in Abbotsford, you might want to have it ready to go at a moments notice.

With Bob Bos and his Downtown Business Association demanding council move the homeless etc out of Jubilee Park into some other Abbotsford neighbourhood; with this being an election year with politicians needing contributions to their political campaigns; with council dragging a Pastor down to City Hall to demand he not be in the park, removing credible witness to police behaviour from the Park; it is obvious that the city will shortly be engaged in the money wasting and pointless exercise of chasing the homeless out of Jubilee Park with the Abbotsford Police.

This is not the first time this fruitless exercise has been undertaken and like the last time any rational human being knows they can expect the homeless to return when police stop sitting around the park all the time.

Hopefully this will be the last time this pointless, expensive waste will take place. Not because it will be any more effective that the previous times it was done, but because in November the citizens of Abbotsford will have the opportunity to replace the “if we keep doing the same wasteful things, maybe they will actually work one of these times” current councillors with councillors who are interested in ideas that work, not engaging in the same pointless, expensive behaviour over and over and over and over and….

In the meantime the police will be wasting their time and efforts in Jubilee Park. I say waste because when the police are forced to move on to dealing with all the problems that built up while they focused on the Park, the homeless and other problems will once again return to Jubilee Park as has happened before.

So if you are planning a crime spree in Abbotsford, the police will soon be navel gazing at Jubilee Park, leaving the city ripe for the pickin’.

And if you are one of the non-preferential treatment ordinary citizens Abbotsford, you will get your chance to express your displeasure in November.

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