
Driving along in my car the argument in the papers last January concerning the income level in Abbotsford came to mind.

Listening to the radio one cannot help but hear the provincial government’s advertisements for their low income level rent subsidy program.

The income level the provincial government considers low enough to need rent subsidies? $35,000. The income level in the original report setting off our local kerfuffle? $26,000.

I have no interest in getting lost in a debate about the exact nature of those whose income levels are under $26,000. No matter how one argues that point, the numbers clearly highlight the fact that there are a significant number of people and families in Abbotsford below the $26,000 income level. This is $9,000 under the point at which the provincial government acknowledges the need for rent subsidization.

However much of an apologist or economist one may be, only a complete denial of reality would allow one to refuse to acknowledge the significant, disturbing and unacceptable levels of poverty and economic hardship these numbers evidence exists in Abbotsford.

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