Why is Abbotsford anti high-tech business?

What is it that Abbotsford City Hall has against attracting high paying jobs to the city?

One can only conclude that the city has, for some unfathomable reason, an aversion to attracting high paying jobs to our area in light of their behaviour towards Mr. Raymond Szabada.

I thought it an excellent idea when, over a year ago, I read in the paper that Mr. Szabada had proposed to council the creation of an association to attract high paying high tech sector jobs to Abbotsford – adding significantly to the tax base and lessening the burden on homeowners.

Outside of a supportive statement from Moe Gill council’s reaction was, from news reports, Yawn. A man with solid experience and connections in high tech has a vision of attracting this industry to Abbotsford and councils reaction is Yawn?

Fortunately for the future of Abbotsford and its citizens pocketbooks Mr. Szabada, in the same manner as any citizen with brains, vision and wishing to better Abbotsford doesn’t listen to city hall’s can’t do that attitude, did not let city hall’s negativity stop him. He founded the Sumas Regional Consortium for High Tech and put together the plans to develop and attract business to a high tech business park.

He recently returned to council seeking their support in turning Abbotsford into a high tech haven with the high paying jobs and other benefits that flow from that. He had done all the leg work, made all the contacts, lined up his dominos and came to council simply for their verbal support.

And Abbotsford City Hall’s response was once again, Yawn. Apparently even verbal support is too much effort for City Hall to make to attract a plum industry and jobs such as high tech.

Leaving one wondering what Abbotsford council and staff have against attracting high paying jobs to the city?

What is it that
Abbotsford City Hall has against attracting high paying jobs to the city?

One can only conclude that the city has, for some unfathomable reason, an aversion to attracting high paying jobs to our area in light of their behaviour towards Mr. Raymond Szabada.

I thought it an excellent idea when, over a year ago, I read in the paper that Mr. Szabada had proposed to council the creation of an association to attract high paying high tech sector jobs to Abbotsford – adding significantly to the tax base and lessening the burden on homeowners.

Outside of a supportive statement from Moe Gill council’s reaction was, from news reports, Yawn. A man with solid experience and connections in high tech has a vision of attracting this industry to Abbotsford and councils reaction is Yawn?

Fortunately for the future of Abbotsford and its citizens pocketbooks Mr. Szabada, in the same manner as any citizen with brains, vision and wishing to better Abbotsford doesn’t listen to city hall’s can’t do that attitude, did not let city hall’s negativity stop him. He founded the Sumas Regional Consortium for High Tech and put together the plans to develop and attract business to a high tech business park.

He recently returned to council seeking their support in turning Abbotsford into a high tech haven with the high paying jobs and other benefits that flow from that. He had done all the leg work, made all the contacts, lined up his dominos and came to council simply for their verbal support.

And Abbotsford City Hall’s response was once again, Yawn. Apparently even verbal support is too much effort for City Hall to make to attract a plum industry and jobs such as high tech.

Leaving one wondering what Abbotsford council and staff have against attracting high paying jobs to the city?

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