Personal Devaluation lies not in Evolution – but in Oneself

If it truly pains Paula Brown to see the debate between evolution and creation deteriorate into mudslinging why did she proceed to label those with knowledge and an understanding of evolution as like Hitler? In casting these false aspersions, Ms. Brown goes past the mudslinging she decried.

Ignorance is far more likely to get Ms. Brown killed than is evolution. Ignorance of the kind revealed in her statement “Evolution only values life if it is strong” or her statements implying that evolution in some way devalues her or is likely to get her killed. All these statements reveal a lack of understanding of what evolution is.

Evolution values biodiversity. The only devaluation of Ms. Brown in evidence is the devaluation she herself makes. Ms. Brown should take a lesson from evolution and focus on her strengths and abilities, since a positive attitude promotes personal growth and survival and is in keeping with evolutionary behaviour.

One can only hope that a more positive attitude would result in Ms. Brown being less judgmental and insulting.

It is highly insulting to suggest that knowledge and understanding of evolution cause one to devalue life. Rather, it brings about an appreciation for the complexity and beauty of life. An appreciation that led to advocating for and working with those with addictions, mental illnesses, physical and mental challenges; valuing those individuals as people and friends.

As to being less than charitable with those less than perfect, I again point out that evolution has nothing to do with your ideas of what is perfection and what constitutes less than perfect or drags down the gene pool.

If you truly want to contemplate a lack of charity towards those who are less than perfect: the next time you hold a Sunday get-together with your fellow creationists, look around at the big building that cost so much to build and sits mostly empty; consider the money that goes to maintain and equip it; finally, consider how much those funds could do to house and help those in need.

Evolution ultimately has nothing to do with tearing me down or building me up. Evolution is not about something so narrow as my mental illness or your deafness, it is about the whole. Mental illness has caused me to learn and to grow; it is not the negative your attitude implies but a positive. My mental illness also goes with the territory, the mental processes that are advantageous.

Building up is done by society, family, people around us most of all ourselves, evolution has nothing to do with it.

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