letter to opposition.

You may not have expected Partnerships BC to lead to an article on the homeless but it did. I had a quote from Liberal Dave Hayer about the governments policy on the homeless, which I was sure should be an article for my website about being homeless in Abbotsford – http://www.homelessinabbotsford.com/. But I just could not get a handle on writing it. Until I read about you, your questions and the information about salaries at Partnerships BC. I have included the article below in case you are interested in reading it.

As I say in the article I am interested in any of these high $$$,$$$ salary positions in order to ‘grow out of my lifestyle of living on the street (aka homelessness)’. Perhaps, if the opportunity should present itself, you could enquire of the appropriate government member (minister) where I might seek and find such a lucrative position? After all “The best way to help the homeless is to make sure they have and opportunity to find a job” – and I would seize the opportunity for any similar (to Partnerships BC) position.

Thank you for your time and attention

‘abbotsford christian’

‘abbotsford christians’:

Those who go to church every Sunday, talk the talk, but whose actions fail to even begin to walk the walk. Or in the words so well written to the local paper:

“Jesus didn’t praise them for building beautiful churches with wonderful programs, instead, he praised them for feeding the hungry, clothing the needy, sheltering strangers, and taking care of the sick and imprisoned. Jesus said that whatever you do to the least of these, that is what you are doing to him.If we want to be known as a Christian community, all of us need to join the ranks of those who are doing what Jesus actually told us to do. Let’s start meeting the needs of those in Abbotsford who have the least. While the needs of the least of these in our community are so wholly unmet, how dare we even begin to take a moral stand. It will only be regarded as gross hypocrisy.”

Here is an Idea…

I was sitting listening to a lunch time conversation at the Salvation Army between two women. One woman was trying to convince the other, X, to see the advocate at community services about getting help infilling out all the forms needed for Social Assistance. I have known X for sometime and while she is a nice person she is not capable of handling all the forms and documents required to get welfare – and the workers are certainly not about to help her. I am not sure the advocate will do it all for you, just that he/she should as X is not alone in her inability to complete the application for welfare – filling out the forms, gathering documents (ID, Intent to Rent etc) and handling any other requirements social assistance demands. This is a service that community services should be providing since there are numerous among the homeless who are not capable of doing it for themselves. If such help is available they need to get the fact that this help exists out into homeless community so that those who need help can find someone to complete the complex set of documents the social assistance bureaucracy demands.

But a more interesting idea/thought occurred. It does not matter if this help exists since X is highly unlikely to go to community services. No, I have expressed my thoughts incorrectly – X is not likely capable of getting herself to community services. For some of the homeless even seeking out the help available to try to deal with the system is beyond their ability to do. As I looked around the dining room I realized that this is the type of place where these types of services need to reach out to. Having a community services building full of people, offices and help is all very nice for those who can find out what services are available and access those services. But what about those who cannot find out what is offered, or perhaps even worse, cannot get to community services to access the help? We have ‘Meals on Wheels’ why not ‘Information/Help on Wheels’.

It seems a rational and effective use of resources to ensure that those most in need get all the help they can from community services. I can think of no good reason not to have somebody who can answer questions on what is available perform outreach by such actions as attending lunch at the salvation army, visiting other venues that attract a crowd draw from the ranks of the homeless etc. Further, the services available could not be occasionally available at locations convenient to those in need.

In this way people who need help but are (for whatever reason) incapable of seeking it out will have a opportunity to get the help they so desperately need. Perhaps the real benefit of this approach is that by getting out into the ‘field’ the people at community services would be getting direct feedback on the needs of the homeless community – communication: the first step in understanding and addressing what is needed. This seems to simple and obvious to experiment with, why not?

From outer left feild

I read that piece of idiocy of Jeffrey Hansen-Carlson in the April 14, 2006 Times. With representative such as this it is no wonder the Left is often viewed as being 11 items short of a dozen. I have no idea what alternate reality version of Abbotsford H-C inhabits, but in the REAL abbotsford the Mayor and Council have take a giant step into the reality that is Abbotsford by acknowledging that homelessness is a pressing issue they have to begin to deal with. I would point out to H-C that as part of considering the many facets of homelessness the Mayor and Council will have to confront and consider the facts on drug use, addiction and treatment.

At this point in time it seems to me to be more beneficial and to have a greater potential for starting to address the ills oft he homeless and of addiction to salute the Mayor and Council for taking their first tentative steps into the real world of the streets of Abbotsford.

H-C might want to pay a little more attention to actual events and avoid looking as out of touch with events in the real world as he accused our local politicians of being. Although now that I re-consider , anyone who would use the word “gleefully” with regards to living on the streets and having to prostitute oneself to support one’s addiction is not only out of touch with reality, they have moved from the idiotic to the asinine.

Good job, Mayor

I take pen in hand to salute Mayor George Ferguson for not only his common sense but his BRAVERY in reaching out to the homeless who are camping out in the woods across from the Abbotsford News> I have no doubt that the NIMBY’s and other like minded self-centered people are jumping all over the Mayor in terms that would make you think he was committing some horrendous crime by reacting with thoughtfulness and humanity to people in need. People who know the mayor personally tell me they are not surprised he has reached out for he is a kind and caring man. The feedback I have from the homeless who have the opportunity to meet and speak to Mayor Ferguson it that they found him to be down to earth and a considerate man.

So Mayor Ferguson two big thumbs up for the bravery you are showing. There are many citizens who not only support you in this manner but wish to support you, and for your support, in addressing other pressing need of the homeless. With your help and leadership Mr. Mayor, we can rally the good citizens of Abbotsford to reach out a helping hand in getting their fellow man (and woman) back on their feet. To help them to face and deal with their personal problems, to find employment, find homes and take back their lives. Showing communities across CAnada what a focused, caring community can accomplish.

As for the ME, ME, ME people who are no doubt driving you crazy Mr. Mayor – ignore them. at this time of Easter I remind you of those who stood along the route of Christ’s path to Calvary; jeering, striking, spitting – mired in their own self-indulgent, self-centered, self righteousness. All human communities seem to have these negative members, whether in biblical times or in present day Abbotsford.

So George, if I may be so bold, stand tall and firm in the humanity of your actions. I call upon the generous of heart and the thoughtful of my fellow citizens to phone, e-mail or write to let the Mayor know of your support for him in his bold leadership and actions.
I remind all readers of the other side of the Easter season. this is a time of resurrection, of re-birth. Christ spent much of his time among the poor and those in need, instructing his followers to help these, the poorest of their fellow man. Let us honour His Words by seizing the opportunity Mayor Ferguson has given us to step forward and be ‘good neighbours’, not only to this small group but to all the homeless in our city. Let us walk in the Light and make this a season of re-birth for those of our fellow citizens most in need. CARPE DIEM.