Fredric Brown was a master of the short story including what is probably the shortest published science fiction short story:
“The last man on Earth sat alone in a room. There was a knock at the door…”
The Aswer considers the question “Is there a God?”
I have include the version from “From These Ashes: The Complete Short SF of Fredric Brown” and the version from Baen’s short story collection “If This Goes Wrong” edited by Hank Davis.
With Media attention focused on the bottom line, cutting costs and survival and in light of the reality that the biggest, most pervasive lack of truthfulness by politicians is not commission [telling a lie] but omission [not speaking of something] a desirable quality of life for BC citizens is entirely in the hands of BC citizens themselves and dependent on citizens practicing caveat emptor, paying attention, being observant, diligent and investing time in thinking and doing their own homework.
Case in point: the NDP/Green stealth modus operandi to change the electoral system to proportional representation. The NDP/Green collaboration is so focused on the strategic advantages of a proportional representation electoral system in terms of forming the government and holding onto power [see Appendix A] that the other effects and consequences apparently do not matter to them.
The claim is made that proportional representation is ‘more fair’ than first past the post because proportional representation splits the seats according to the percentage of the vote each party wins.
The results of the 2018 municipal election in Abbotsford make it crystal clear that when it comes to progress, dealing with issues instead of paying what ever it costs to ignore issues and change the citizens of Abbotsford make sheep look like foaming at the mouth anarchists.