Matsqui Pool

On January 24th 2011 Abbotsford council closed Matsqui Pool.. On February 7th 2011 the mayor and councillors give themselves a large raise, benefits and perks as well as an Never-ending stream of yearly pay raises. Perhaps explaining council’s desperate need to save thousands of dollars by closing Matsqui Pool.

As to the question of whether council deserved a raise – the closing of Matsqui Pool, and the history of that closing, provide clear evidence that mayor and council did not deserved one single cent of an increase.

Mayor and council are suppose to be stewards of the City of Abbotsford’s finances and assets, not vandals.

For years council and management of Parks and Recreation have wanted, indeed have tried repeatedly, to close Matsqui Pool.

Just as an aside: Have you noticed that when council and Parks and Rec management want to build something (an arena or a museum/gallery) they are all about comparisons to other cities BUT when council and management wanted to close Matsqui pool there was no comparison to other communities; a comparison that would highlight Abbotsford’s severe shortage of public pool space?

Council claims it would cost too much to repair Matsqui pool and they cannot afford the $70,000 annual operating costs – yet council has $500,000 (or more) for yearly subsidies to purchase of a profession al hockey team for wealthy Abbotsford citizens; $600,000+ to subsidize the Museum/Art Gallery; multi-millions of dollars to subsidize the operation of the arena for the Heat to play in.

And council has $250,000 to demolish the pool.

I do not want to get mired down in an argument about whether the city’s estimate of $1 – 2 million to repair the pool is accurate (but given city management and council’s record of grossly underestimating the costs for projects they wish to do and exaggerating the costs of projects or things they don’t want to do……) or whether competent management could accomplish this task for considerably less. Nor mired down in the fact that when a neighbour of mine had a leak in his pool tank he had no problem finding and repairing the leak. But then he was a competent individual who hired competent help to find (and repair) the leak.

No the real point is that the current decrepit state Matsqui Pool is the result of the failure to perform prudent and needed maintenance. A failure council and management will no doubt claim had nothing to do with their desire to close Matsqui Pool.

Which makes it clear that 1) “Getting good value for money [for taxpayers] is our number one priority.” is of concern only where it can be used to justify taking an action council wishes to take (leaving the FVRD) and 2) that council is quite content destroying value if that will justify taking an action (closing Matsqui Pool) council wishes to take.

That council’s decisions and failure to act as a steward of a valuable and treasured taxpayer asset brought Matsqui Pool to its current state of disrepair evidences not only that 1) council should not have gotten a raise, but that 2) a garnishee of council wages was in order. Oh, and 3) Mark Taylor should be fired before he can inflict further damage to taxpayer’s parks and recreation assets.

Abbotsford Council’s Neverending pay raises.

With Abbotsford City Hall’s unsurpassed record of spend, spend, spend taxpayer’s dollars, it came as no surprise that council voted itself an unending, unlimited stream of yearly raises.

Neither should any Abbotsford taxpayer have been surprised that city manager Frank Pizzuto presented a staff report that recommended the increase since management and council have a very cozy, incestuous, salary relationship.

Council gives management yearly raises – and bonuses – is anyone surprised management recommends council give itself a raise? Or that it was recommended council get a yearly salary raise? Or that council promptly gave itself this limitless pay raise?

To add insult to the injury done to taxpayers tax bills by this never-ending, no limits pay raise, council and management started throwing around Abbotsford City Hall Math in regards to the pay raise.

[Abbotsford City Hall Math: City hall calculates a profit for taxpayers and the reality turns out to be multi-million dollar yearly losses that taxpayers must cover.]

Abbotsford City Hall Math:

The mayor’s increases work out to an average of 1.8 per cent a year, for the past five years, while councillors would get an average of 1.4 per cent a year over the same period of time.


Other than the fact that dividing the raise by 5 makes it seem much smaller – what does the past 5 years have to do with this pay raise?
Perhaps council is seeking to have taxpayers forget that council enriched itself over the past three years with the 44% pay increase they gave themselves just three years ago?

A 44% raise that after receiving, council quickly cut the number of council meetings in half.

But then council, city management and Tim Dillon and Associates were very careful to just compare what surrounding councils were paid – and not what value taxpayers in those municipalities received for the wages they paid their councils.

Hardly surprising since even the most cursory comparison between what the taxpayers of Langley paid for their Sports and Entertainment Centre (and received for their investment) and what the taxpayers of Abbotsford paid, and continue to pay, (and received for their $$$$) would inevitably lead any independent party to the conclusion that 1) council does not deserve a 9% (mayor – 7% council) raise and 2) the taxpayers of Abbotsford are entitled to a refund, a BIG refund.

Instead, council will receive yearly raises in an amount which is unknown and on which there is no cap to limit the size of the raise in any given year.
Raises that will continue to have no relationship to the manner in which council fumbles its responsibilities.

Council gets the $$$$$$$$ and taxpayers – as usual – get the shaft, footing the bills for councils profligate ways.

Yet again!

So, council paid Tim Dillon & Associates $9,000 to provide justification for giving themselves (council) yet another pay raise? A raise that is to include health benefits, a yearly allowance for attending community events and an annual conference allowance?

With all the council promises and decisions that have turned in black holes sucking millions of dollars out of the city budget, infrastructure (e.g. Matsqui Pool) that is falling apart, the city mired in a financial quagmire, the need for water rationing (in one of the wettest years on record) in order to have water for the Fire Department to use…….how could anyone, even Abbotsford’s council, possibly think a raise is either deserved or in order?

What’s next? A golden retirement plan like the ones provincial and federal politicians have gifted themselves?

Perhaps the most offensive aspect of this pay raise proposal is to increase the mayor and city council’s wages every year – forever – without the politicians every having to face the taxpayers and publically vote to push their personal hands deeper into taxpayers pockets. If council has its way raises will happen quietly, behind the closed doors of City Hall, without any need to bother taxpayers with the knowledge that council has gotten yet another automatic yearly raise – unearned and undeserved or not.

So much for Mayor Peary’s “Getting good value for money [for taxpayers] is our number one priority.”

And while I include council’s current salaries as well as the proposed salary raises and perks in stating that taxpayers are not getting value for the wages they currently pay council – I do not include the $9000 paid to Tim Dillon & Associates in this lack of value.

Not that I don’t consider the $9000 paid to Tim Dillon & Associates to permit council to squander yet more taxpayer dollars – in this instance directly stuffing taxpayer dollars into council’s personal pockets – a misuse of city funds.

It is just that $9000 seems a fairly cheap price, perhaps even a bargain, when you contrast the outcome, the proposed 9% pay raise, with the nearly 50% pay raise council arrived at, and gave themselves, on their own 3 years ago.

“Getting good value for money [for taxpayers] is our number one priority.”


If there was any relationship between ‘value for money’ and the wages paid to Abbotsford’s current council, taxpayers would be getting an extremely large refund of the wages city council has paid itself.

Instead council is going to give itself ongoing yearly salary increases, benefits and perks. Business as usual – council (or friends) get the mine and taxpayers get the shaft.

Ya gotta eat.

Food is one of those necessities that, like oxygen and water, you don’t survive long without. You can wear you clothes to tatters, you can live in a tent, you can live on the street – but you’ve got to eat to live.

It is because you have no choice about eating, that the rising cost of food imposes such a burden on the poor – and those who endeavour to ensure those who cannot afford this necessity of life, get enough food to sustain life.

Which is why Saturday January 22 found the Thursday Night BBQers holding their first ever fundraiser to help cover the rising cost of the food – costs that until now have come out of their own pockets.

Many people find sustenance at the Thursday BBQ and on their (and my own) behalf I want to proffer thankful appreciation to those who made raising funds to defray rising food costs possible.

Thanks to Immanuel Fellowship Baptist Church who provided the use of their parking lot and assorted accoutrements to hold the fundraiser – a BBQ/bake sale/flea market.

Thanks to those who donated items, baked goods et al to be sold.

Thanks to the BBQers who gave their time not only to put on Thursday’s repast but put in all the additional time required to put on the fundraiser – so they could continue to spend time providing a Thursday night repast.

Thanks to the volunteers who gave their time to assisting in putting on the fundraiser, most generously giving up their Saturday to put on the fund raiser.
Special thanks to those who came out to support the fun raiser with their wallets. The success of any fundraiser lies in the members of the community who come out and open their wallets to contribute. Some of who simply came by to make a donation – or to pay (when you do the math) outrages prices for (admittedly tasty – but not THAT tasty) smokies and burgers.

For a community to be whole and healthy it must be based on people’s love and concern for each other – for without a sense of caring, there can be no sense of community.

Second class citizens, 3rd rate medical care

Seeing Mr. P’s walking arrival at Thursday night’s meal for the hungry on the grassy roadside of Gladys underscored the fact that although it is annoying and demeaning, it is not being treated as second class citizens that worry’s the homeless, mentally ill, addicted, poor and powerless when they HAVE to deal with the Abbotsford Regional Hospital. Rather, it is the 3rd rate medical treatment that is afforded to ‘second class citizens’. Not simply because one is often sent on ones way without receiving even minimally adequate care or receiving care that complicates or exacerbates the problem, but because the ‘treatment’ one gets at the Abbotsford Regional Hospital can be downright deadly to one’s survival.

If that statement seems less than charitable it is because I have experienced the less than professional ‘care’ dispensed to the homeless and powerless and over the years have watched the toll that the behavior at Abbotsford Regional Hospital has exacted from the homeless community.

I am personally reminded of this fact of life for ‘second class citizens’ every time my neck acts up and I need to have it lanced and go on antibiotics.

This is a result of the time several years ago I went to Emergency to have an infection in/on my neck lanced and the cyst removed. As I say, I could have lived with the doctor’s attitude – if only he had done a proper job and removed all the cyst.

He didn’t, so every once in a while the piece of cyst he didn’t clean out causes an infection which needs to be lanced to drain the pus and other assorted gunk and a course of antibiotics. A process I go to a walk in clinic for, rather than risk a return to Emergency.

In light of the problems and complications the treatment afforded ‘second class citizens’ at Abbotsford Regional Hospital causes I consider myself lucky to suffer what is more of an annoyance than a threat to life or limb.

Last spring (2010) I attended the memorial for Laurie McDonald, a member of Abbotsford’s homeless community who had the misfortune to seek medical attention at the Abbotsford Regional Hospital and Cancer Centre.

She had gone to Emergency several times to seek treatment for balance problems and had been sent away after having been told she was fine.

The next time she had balance problems she was in Saskatchewan and went to a hospital in Swift Current (I believe). Which quickly, after a few tests, sent her to Regina where tests showed her balance problems were caused by a brain tumour. Within days Laurie was in surgery, which was successful. Unfortunately she died of complications.

To be accurate the unfortunate thing about her death was that she had gone to Abbotsford Regional Hospital’s Emergency for over a year about her balance rather than the hospital in Swift Current Saskatchewan.

A disturbing thought/reality is that if Laurie had sought medical treatment in Saskatchewan first, rather than at Abbotsford Regional Hospital, it could well have been a life saving decision.

Mr. P’s walking arrival at the Thursday night dinner was notable because it was not that many weeks ago that Mr. P was unable to walk more than a few steps and appeared to be knocking at deaths door. Over months and weeks he had been repeatedly hauled off by ambulance to Emergency at Abbotsford Regional Hospital. Despite the increasing frequency of his visits to Abbotsford Regional Hospital’s Emergency he just kept getting worse – heading downhill at an increasing rate.

It looked like Mr. P was not long for this world – until he was fortunate enough to be in Mission when he needed to seek medical treatment.

They admitted him to the Mission Hospital for several days, over which time they ran tests to see what was causing his health problems. As a result of the treatment Mr. P received at Mission Hospital he reappeared in Abbotsford bright eyed and bushy tailed. Alive, well and capable of walking to this Thursday night dinner.

Which is why Mr. P’s walking along the road to the dinner on Thursday night called to mind the unacceptable state of affairs at the Abbotsford Regional Hospital – were for ‘second class citizens’ seeking medical care, their best way of achieving good medical care is to catch the Valley Connector to Mission and Mission Hospital or go to the Greyhound station and catch a bus to Saskatchewan.