Johnny Winter – Livin’ the Blues

It had been so long since I had been able to go to a venue to enjoy a musician I liked live that I had forgotten the sheer pleasure, the joy, to be found in great music played LOUD. Played at a volume where the music hammers into and through you and sets your very core to vibrating in tune with the music.

From the moment that Johnny Winter’s band of Paul Nelson (guitar), Scott Spray (bass) and Vito Liuzzi (drums) were introduced and began to play – before Mr. Winter joined them on stage at the end of that first number – you knew you were in for a treat for the ears and the soul.

The first notes they played drove all thoughts but ‘man, are they tight’ out of your mind and made for an evening of spectacular music.

It was not the quality of the music that was the most impressive part of the evening. You expect great music from Johnny Winter. What strikes you is the seeming effortlessness with which Mr. Winter displays his mastery of the guitar, calling forth the musical sound that affirms him as a virtuoso.

From the opening notes played by the three members of Johnny Winter’s band to the final notes of Highway 61 the evening was a musical tour de force that left you energized, with a huge smile on your face and a joy that could be heard in your voice.

Nanaimo’s Mr. David Gogo’s solo acoustic blues was the perfect opening act for the evening. His solo acoustic performance allowed him to demonstrate his own mastery of the blues and the guitar without competing or being contrasted with Johnny Winter.

Switching back and forth between his two acoustic guitars Mr. Gogo demonstrated why he has ten albums under his belt and an impressive list of nominations and awards.

Mr. Gogo’s set was such that the first thing I did upon returning home was to go online to the Library to see which of Mr. Gogo’s ten CDs were available to be reserved, taken out and listened to.

It was a greatly enjoyable evening of outstanding music enhanced by the venue, Mission’s Clarke Theatre, were there were nothing but good seats.

One of the reasons that poverty grinds away at the spirit is that the revitalization of one’s soul and spirit that simple pleasures such as this evening of great Blues music with Johnny Winter and David Gogo provide is beyond one’s reach. While the price was incredibly reasonable for the music delivered by the performers, it might just have as well have been $10,000 for its lack of affordability on my budget.

The pleasure, joy, relaxation and memories provided me by the evening’s music came to me courtesy of an early Christmas present. Meaning that whatever else happens Christmas 2010 is already a great success in terms of gifts.

Thanks to Mr. Winter, Mr. Gogo and Mr. Earl for a most joyful, exhilarating evening of Smokin’ Blues.

Obligation point?

I am under no illusion, sufferer no delusions that media, the news departments, is other than a business and about the bottom line. Awareness of the profit motivation of news departments and the media means I do not share in the popular misconception that media and/or news departments have any interest in behaving in the best interests of the public, fair and balanced reporting or in making sure the public is fully informed on matters of governance or public policy issues.

The media are under no more obligation to behave responsibly or in the best interests of the public over the best interests of self, than any other citizen is.

Indeed, it could be argued that as media organizations are about making profits, in situations where irresponsible, self-centered behavior will benefit the bottom line the organizations are required to ignore the public interest and act selfishly.

Up to a point.

Determining that point is difficult because it lies in the realm of free speech and is a question of not only what is said but what is left unsaid, the questions left unasked.

We are all aware that the Supreme Court has said free speech ends at a point of yelling ‘FIRE’ in a crowded theatre when there is no fire.

What about a crowded theatre where, seeing there is a fire starting the media does not yell ‘FIRE’ but leaves the theatre to set up outside to photograph/video/report on the fire, damage and mayhem that ensues because that would make for much more compelling video and story that a small fire caught and put out in a timely manner?

If, by choosing not to put mikes in the faces of Mr. Vander Zalm, Ms James, the NDP and citizens to ask what they will cut in order pay the $1.6 billion cost of repealing the HST, is the media guilty of choosing to stand silent in order to photograph/video/report on the damage and mayhem that the HST issue is effecting?

In choosing not to bring the $1.6 billion dollar cost of repealing the HST to the forefront of the story, has not the media has made the choice to slip out of the theatre without alerting anyone to the fire so that they may profit from photographing/videoing/reporting on the fire, or in the case of the HST the anti-HST campaign.

Just as there is a limit to the right free speech (‘Fire!’) is there a limit to the right of not speaking (not shouting ‘Fire!’)?

At what point do the media become responsible, are the media liable for, the consequences – the loss of $1.6 billion of federal funds – of questions it chooses not to ask, actions it chooses not to take?

What about Carole James, the NDP and Mr. Vander Zalm? At what point do they become responsible and liable for the $1.6 billion cost of a HST repeal?

At what point is media, at what point are politicians, obligated to act in a responsible manner?

HST – Select Standing Committee on Legislative Initiatives

Thwart Democracy

Watching the evening news on Wednesday September 8, 2010 and listening to the NDP and anti-HST petition organizer Chris Delaney the only conclusion a rational person could draw is that if is anyone is seeking to “thwart democracy” and “not to do the people’s will”, as Mr. Delaney accused the Liberals of, it is Mr. Delaney and NDP who seek to force the government to bow to their will and deny myself and the majority of BC voters the right to have any say in the HST.

NDP MLA Rob Fleming stated “We’ll be looking for a way to correct course and have democracy play a role and allow ordinary British Columbians to speak through their elected representatives on their feelings about the HST.”

It comes as no surprise that a member of the NDP, indeed the NDP party of BC itself, is so math challenged that he, or they, cannot perform the simple math to determine that only 22% of ordinary British Columbians (those who signed the anti-HST petition) have had an opportunity to speak and that the large majority of ordinary British Columbians 78% – have not had an opportunity to express their feelings about the HST.

After all the NDP party and caucus is calling for the return of the $1.6 billion the federal government paid to BC to implement the HST at the same time the NDP propose to spend hundreds of millions more dollars on Education and Healthcare.

Cut $1.6 Billion out of the 2011 budget while increasing the 2011 budget by an unknown number of hundreds of millions of dollars of spending on Education and Healthcare. And the NDP wonder why anyone with any financial common sense won’t vote for the party as it is currently constituted. Still it is this kind of nonsense that explains how the NDP can think that it is proper to act on the 22% who signed the anti-HST petition and ignore the wishes of the 78% who DID NOT sign the anti-HST petition.

As to Mr. Vander Zalm, Mr Delaney and the other anti-HST petition organizers, Mr. Delaney himself announced in August that the 705,643 signatures collected represented only 22 % of those eligible to vote in the 2009 election.

Apparently to Mr. Vander Zalm, Mr Delaney and the other anti-HST petition organizers the will of the 78% large majority of British Columbians who did not sign the anti-HST petition does not count because they don’t agree with Mr. Vander Zalm, Mr. Delaney and the anti-HST forces.

Those who, while not totally enamoured of the HST, feel that given the financial realities facing the province, the BC government had no reasonable option but to accept the $1.6 billion dollar bribe from the federal government and/or have to much common sense to call for cutting $1.6 billion out of the 2011 BC budget in order to repeal the HST and repay the $1.6 billion in federal funds paid to BC for implementing the HST.

Should the Liberal government opt to send the petition to referendum to determine how the 78% majority of voters who have not yet had an opportunity to express their views on the HST feel, what then?

Anti-HST petition organizer Chris Delaney threatened Liberal MLAs with “being the target of recall campaigns this fall if the committee opts to send the petition to a referendum.”

According to Mr. Delaney, Liberal MLAs are to ignore the wants or opinions of the 78% majority on the HST question and bow to the wants of the 22% minority under threat of recall.

In threatening Liberal MLAs with recall if they opt to seek to hear from the 78% majority that has not been heard from in the HST debate it is Mr. Vander Zalm, Mr. Delaney and the anti-HST forces who seek to thwart democracy; wanting MLAs not to do the people’s will, but the will of only Mr. Vander Zalm, Mr. Delaney and the anti-HST forces.

Mr. Vander Zalm, Mr. Delaney, Carole James, the NDP and the anti-HST forces seek to have their will enforced over the people’s will as represented by the as yet unheard from 78% majority.

If we are going to have government by referendum, which is the road we have started down with the anti-HST petition, then to protect democracy by learning what the will of all the people is, we must hold a province wide referendum and permit the 78% of the voters who DID NOT sign the anti-HST petition am opportunity to voice their position on the HST.

Hypocrisy, duplicity and the HST – Top 5 countdown.

Caveat: It is now early in the AM of Tuesday September 7 and this countdown is as of this specific point in time. I have added this caveat because, as noted, the principals are seemingly striving on a daily basis to be # 1. As a result the order of the countdown has changed several times. In order to facilitate finishing and publishing the countdown the order will be frozen as it is at this point in time.

Watching the evening news Thursday September 3, 2010 it seemed to me the question is not so much about whether the public is faced with deceit on the matter of the HST, but which of the five principals involved is guilty of the biggest deceit.

So here is my take on where the 5 principals involved in the HST brouhaha fall on a list from the least deceitful to the most deceitful.

Number 5 is the Liberal government.

When I started writing this the Liberals had been #4 mainly as a result of the level of distrust they have earned during their time as the government. As I was writing this piece the behavior of one of those in the top 5 shot them out of 5th place and up the list, leaving the Liberals to fall into the number 5 slot.

The fact that Liberal government only earned the #5 position reflects not the innocence of the Liberals but how considerable the offensives against TRUTH committed by the other parties involved in the HST brouhaha were, are and continue to be.

Let me preface this by saying that I am not a fan of Colin Hansen. His decisions and policies as Health Minister and now as Finance Minister have led to the rationing of mental health services even as the demands on these services grow. This rationing has lead to deaths, including those of innocent bystanders, and has inflicted undue pain and suffering on those denied mental health services as a result of this rationing.

That being said, calls for Colin Hansen’s resignation by Mr. Vander Zalm and the NDP, based on the sin of omitting to talk about the possibility of the HST, is spurious and laughable in light of the behaviours of Mr. Vander Zalm and the NDP in omitting to disclose or discuss the $1.6 billion dollars of federal money cost of repealing the HST.

If the bureaucrats in Victoria had not been talking to the bureaucrats in Ottawa about PST, GST and a HST they would not have been doing their jobs; especially in light of the Ottawa/Ontario HST discussions.

The question of when Mr. Hansen (or even Mr. Campbell) was aware of these communications or the content of the communications is not important either.

The only question of import is when did the Liberal government made the decision to accept Ottawa’s $1.6 Billion dollar bribe and implement the HST?

I rather suspect that the answer to that will ever be known past the level of reasonable doubt.

In judging the level of offense of the Liberals there are two additional questions that need to be taken into consideration. 1. Whether the HST is, in the long run, a decision in the best interest of the province of BC. 2. Given that Ontario opted to adopt the HST and that the federal government had offered the same $1.6 billion bribe to BC it had given to Ontario, was there any reasonable choice for the government of BC other than excepting the $1.6 billion and adopting the HST?

Given the budgeting needs of BC would it not have been irresponsible to turn down the $1.6 billion; especially as most of those funds came out of the pockets of other Canadians and not the pockets of BC taxpayers.

Number 4 are the citizens of BC.

Who were #2 on the list until the actions of other principals over recent days moved them past the citizens of BC who have benefited vis-à-vis their ranking not for their innocence but for their consistency in not adding to the behaviours that have placed them on this list

In regard to those behaviours: the level of lying to themselves, at least one hopes it is lying to themselves, demonstrated by the citizens of BC on the HST and the finances of the province of BC is alarming; especially at a time when tough economic and policy choices need to be made.

This outrage at politicians lying is farcical in light of the fact that voters have been rewarding politicians who lie to them by electing those who told them what they most wanted to hear, no matter how unrealistic the promises where, and punishing anyone who told a truth voters or citizens did not want to hear.

It is unreasonable to reward politicians, news media and others for lying then get upset when they lie.

Citizens are guilty of major offenses against logic; wanting more and more services but not to pay for them. For example: parents demand government keep underutilized schools open, but have you ever heard those parents state they were willing to pay the extra costs of keeping those schools open? When the costs of keeping underutilized schools open to appease parents results in other budget cuts parents do not call for closing underutilized schools so those budget items do not need to be cut; they demand the government spend more money – without raising taxes – as if the government has Rumpelstiltskin spinning straw into gold in the basement of the legislature in Victoria.

An astounding number of people who signed the anti-HST petition are not aware that a major factor in the BC government’s decision to implement the HST was the $1.6 billion bribe from Ottawa and that the $1.6 billion would come out of next year’s budget and back to Ottawa if the HST were repealed. Being against the HST and signing the anti-HST petition without being in possession of the facts is not only foolhardy but irresponsible.

It is even more irresponsible to be aware of the $1.6 billion (as are Mr. Vander Zalm and the NDP) and ignoring or burying one’s head in sand so as to avoid thinking about the $1.6 billion cost and the effect of having to repay that money will have on services, other taxes and the budget.

Choosing to believe that the media will report in a fair and balanced matter all pertinent facts on an issue so as to avoid the effort required to learn the facts themselves is further self deceit. News broadcasting is about ratings, not about informing the public; hence the ‘if it bleeds it leads’ credo of news broadcasting.

Perhaps the biggest, most self-deceptive lie people tell themselves is that they are not consuming their children’s future. Every lie citizens tell themselves to avoid dealing with issues or avoid paying for programs and services they want comes at the expense of the future, the much reduced and impoverished future our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and so on will inherit.

Number 3 is Mr. Vander Zalm.

Mr. Vander Zalm started the article in 5th place but advanced to number 3 through his actions on Friday September 3, 2010.

Mr Vander Zalm had earned the number 5 spot as he is guilty of lying by omission for his failure to address the consequences of revoking the HST. Unless Mr. Vander Zalm is so out of touch with the economic reality of the province and the lives of most British Columbians he cannot fail to be aware that, while the loss of the extra $300 million the HST would have raised for provincial coffers this year and next would inflict painful cuts on next year’s budget, it is the reduction of next year’s budget by the $1.6 billion of lost federal funds that were (or would have been) paid into provincial coffers for implementing the HST that will inflict severe reductions in services on the citizens of BC.

Paying for the loss of the $1.6 billion will fall mainly on health care and education as a result of their being the only budget areas that have $1.6 billion to cut. You cannot cut the $1.6 billion out of the next largest budget item, safety, because even if you cut the entire budget in this area – closing the courts, the jails, prisons, sheriffs, et al – there would remain the need to cut a further $0.5 billion out of the remain provincial budget.

The irony here is that Mr. Vander Zalm is guilty of the same offense he claims to be incensed about by the Liberal government – failing to disclose the inconvenient economic truths or facts that would reduce the popularity of Mr. Vander Zalm and his anti-HST campaign.

At least one hopes the high cost, $1.6 billion, of repealing the HST would cause citizens to reconsider the matter rationally.

Mr. Vander Zalm earned his move up the countdown as a result of his announcement that he would be targeting Mr. Campbell and Mr. Hansen for recall campaigns.

Recall legislation is intended to allow constituents of a riding to recall an MLA whose behavior they found unacceptable. Ignoring the question of possible negative consequences to our democracy and our electoral system this abuse of the recall legislation will inflict on government and governance, the fact remains that the legislation was intended for use by the constituents of a riding and not for the use of those outside the riding.

Mr. Vander Zalm’s malevolent abuse of the recall legislation to attack Mr. Campbell and Mr. Hansen demonstrates, beyond any doubt, that for Mr. Vander Zalm the anti-HST is not about principles or the good of the citizens of BC but about politics and settling old political scores.

This behavior raises the question of whether Mr. Vander Zalm is seeking political redemption. With the Liberals mortally wounded by the HST and the NDP mired in financial irresponsible nonsense could Mr. Vander Zalm be hoping to a Social Credit resurgence?

After all Mr. Vander Zalm is safe as long as the HST is not repealed and the cost and consequences of the loss of the $1.6 billion in federal funds is not revealed or does not come to pass. Since the Liberals, whatever their faults may be, are (one certainly hopes) to financially responsible to repeal the HST and forfeit the $1.6 billion in federal funds – Mr. Vander Zalm would appear safe of the repeal coming to pass front.

Given the willful blindness and obtuseness by BC citizens that earned citizens a higher spot on the countdown than the Liberals themselves, Mr. Vander Zalm would seem to have reason to hope citizens will not be demanding he explain the cuts to services he would make to compensate for the loss of the $1.6 billion in federal funds.

Number 2 are the NDP.

The NDP earned a higher ranking than the Liberals because, in addition to the offense of lying by omission for their failure to address the consequences of revoking the HST, the NDP have compounded the level of offense against TRUTH by their attacks on the Liberal government on funding for Healthcare and Education.

The NDP continue to call on the Liberals to increase funding for Healthcare and Education at the same time they are demanding the liberals reduce the government’s revenue by $1.9 billion ($1.6 federal money and $0.3 billion extra dollars for healthcare raised by the HST).

Besides moving them past the Liberal government on the top five countdown, this type of financial nonsense is why the BC NDP (as well as the federal NDP) need to build a strong, financial sound and responsible right wing in the party. The Saskatchewan NDP have demonstrated that an NDP government can be both progressive and financially sound and if the NDP elsewhere are to be viable alternatives to govern they need to build a financially sound and responsible wing of the party.

Post Script: Prior to NOW the NDP had been ranked #4, having been supplanted on the countdown by Mr. Vander Zalm’s efforts to achieve a higher ranking. However two occurrences have shot Carole James and her NDP to number two.

First was watching the video of Carole James speaking about how the people of BC wanted more Healthcare and Education. The second, and I admit quite annoying item was receiving an email soliciting donations to the NDP because “The BC Liberals are playing a dangerous game with democracy.”

Urging me to “Please do your part and make a donation today.”

I have a better idea; how about I call the NDP on the dangerous games they are playing with BC’s finances and financial future.

Ms. James and the NDP are, through their anti-HST policy, going to cut $1.6 Billion in federal funds out of the BC budget while they are calling for spending hundreds of millions of dollars (Billions of dollars?) on Education and Healthcare.

Leaving any financially responsible citizen wondering if Ms James and the NDP are trying to turn BC’s debt into junk bonds – or are they simply that far out of touch with fiscal reality ?

Number 1 is the media.

The media is the one group that remained unchanged in their placement on the top 5 countdown. Not surprising in light of their ongoing daily efforts to not ask any questions or convey to the public any information that would threaten to end this ratings winner of a ‘story’ for the media.

It is not just that the media is also guilty of lying by omission on the matter of the $1.6 billion that earns the media top spot as perpetrating the most consequential of HST deceits.

No, the most consequential media deceit is that they continue to foster the untruth that they are about reporting important stories, events and facts when in fact the media is about the bottom line. The priority of the bottom line has a profound effect on what makes it into the media.

Mr. Vander Zalm and outraged citizens railing against the government and HST makes far better theatre and thus ratings than Mr. Vander Zalm or citizens sputtering and trying to answer what services they would cut, or other taxes they would raise, in order to compensate for the loss of the $1.6 billion of federal funds.

Raising that question to Mr. Vander Zalm, the NDP or other leaders of the anti-HST campaign at the beginning may have scuttled the campaign with the result that the media would have lost this juicy bit of easy to cover theatre. When it is about the bottom line, it is about fermenting juicy theatre, not asking questions or raising issues that could potentially bring the drama to an end.

It is why media makes outrageous statements such as “the HST has resulted in the increased cost of most things”.

The GST is on no more items than it was before the HST came in. The PST was on more that 50% + 1(item or service) of the goods and services in the province of BC. Since the HST is the amalgamation of the GST and PST the HST was already collected (just as two separate taxes) on 50% + 1(item or service) the HST was already applied on ‘most (50% + 1) items.

If ‘most items’ have in fact gone up after the HST was brought in then the public is being bilked by those taking advantage of the introduction of the HST to sneak in price increases and blame them on the HST.

But you don’t see the media doing stories on the City of Abbotsford taking advantage to slip price increases at recreation facilities in under cover of the HST. Nor will you see mathematical checks of new prices to see how much is due to HST and how much to surreptitious price increases. Remember the GST portion was already applied to all goods and services so price increases should only occur on items to which the PST did not previously apply but now does – and those increase should be only 7%.

But that wouldn’t make for the theatre that stating “the HST has resulted in the increased cost of most things”. Which is why you get “the HST has resulted in the increased cost of most things” no matter how obviously untrue that statement is.

Theatre, ratings and the bottom line is what media is about – not the popular misconception of informing the public. Which is how and why the media earned the number 1 ranking in hypocrisy and duplicity.

Post Post Script

Post Post Script to Is? or Is Not?

Surviving the period between Thursday and Tuesday was an interesting exercise in not losing control. ‘Don’t do anything stupid or self sabotaging’ was a well used mantra as the stress kept trickling adrenalin into my system threatening to turn anxiety into Panic.

When Tuesday finally arrived it developed that there was no cheque waiting. Upon hearing this, panic kicked my anxiety, panic and flight response into overdrive and all I wanted to do was bolt. As I started to do just that, the person I was speaking with spoke telling me to stay while he checked the status.

Hanging grimly onto the vestiges of self control, I was informed that they were running about 4 days behind and my PPMB was awaiting final approval. There was no way to tell when that would occur so I needed to check back daily.

He did say I could phone in but when I am running along the edge between anxiety and panic it is far easier to go down in person that it would ever be to phone, to use the phone period.

Wednesday, after another long, nerve wracking, panic inducing wait I was informed that the cheque for $47 had been mailed out; $47!!!??? – It was quite an adrenaline rush that triggered.

I am not sure what the thinking, or non-thinking, behind mailing out a rent cheque for September on September 1st is.

$47? I was beginning to reconsider the question of whether the Universe really was out to get me.

The nice lady I was speaking with checked the file and found an error had been made in making the calculation of the amount of the adjustment and that it should have been $500 higher. She went out of her way to get a cheque printed off and in my hands right then and there. Which is just as well as it is the weekend (Saturday September 4) as I write this update and the mailed out first adjustment cheque is still in the mail.

Strange, but the error in calculating the adjustment was a good thing as I was able to take the 2nd adjustment cheque to the bank, cash the cheque, top the cheque amount up from my account and pay the rent.

With the matter resolved I … sat on the couch and melted into the couch as the adrenaline tap was turned off and my system crashed in response. Whether caffeine, amphetamine or adrenaline – when the stimulant driving the body ends the body wants its recovery rest/nap/sleep.

Since that evening it has been a balancing act*, managing between my body and mind wanting to rest and recuperate and the words (of which these are a small part) screaming to get free – out onto the page, the internet and wherever else they can find a home or a mind.

For Your Information: a short nap befell the author between the writing and the editing of these words.

While the Universe may not be out to get me it certainly seems to be out to toy with me – or should that be Test me?