Mike de Jong’s Gas Tax

Mike de Jong is right when he speaks of Abbotsford being in a “unique position.”

Unfortunately the “unique position” Abbotsford is in is that City Council has clearly demonstrated it is incapable of acting in a financially responsible manner, proper budgeting or planning for the City’s future.

All good reasons not to give them a new avenue to plunder citizens wallets or a new source to raise even more funds they can fritter away wastefully.

If City Council wants more money let it go about it the proper way – through a proper, honest and accurate budget process as they should have been doing all along.

Until such time as Abbotsford’s City Council demonstrates financial responsibility and proper budgeting the provincial government should be protecting the citizens of Abbotsford from Council’s spendthrift ways NOT encouraging Abbotsford Council to seek additional ways to fund their reckless squandering of taxpayer’s hard-earned dollars.

Come On!!

The first though I had on reading Ed Fast’s attack on Mr. Ignatieff was:

If the federal Conservatives put even a tiny fraction of the effort they put into whining defensively “there is no need for an election” into collaborating with the other federal parties, Canadians would not be facing the possibility of another federal election.

The difference between Mr. Harper’s true colours, his actual thoughts and attitudes towards the other parties versus his statements to the Canadian public is clearly shown by the video on the CBC news of September 9, 2009.

By the way Mr. Fast (and perhaps you could pass this bit of reality along to Mr. Harper), Canadians did not give the Conservatives a strengthened mandate: they denied the Conservatives a majority having judged Mr. Harper unworthy of being entrusted with a majority government.

As to the negative effect on the dollar and stock market, both the dollar and the stock market have bounced back. Following Mr. Fast’s logic that would mean that, upon reflection, it was felt that election of Mr. Ignatieff as PM was considered a positive for Canada.

“Why are they insisting on a pointless exercise which will cost taxpayers another $350 million?” That was exactly the question Canadians were asking themselves in 2008 when Mr. Harper ignored the law he and the Conservatives had enacted setting the next vote for October 19, 2009.

Perhaps the answer will emerge from the current court action where Democracy Watch is suing Mr. Harper for violating his own fixed election date law, as well as the Canadian Charter of Rights.

Let’s be accurate: the reason Canada has fared better than most countries is that our banking system was not able to engage in any of the financial mismanagement that banks in the USA and around the world engaged in and that necessitated governments in many countries being forced to bail banks out.

Why did the Canadian banks not engage in this mismanagement? Because the Conservatives could not pursue their deregulation of Canadian banks with a minority government; since it was the Canadian people who refused to give the Conservatives a majority government, it is the Canadian people who deserve credit for Canada  faring better than most counties.

Speaking of the economy Mr. Fast, just how will the Conservatives wild spending spree and the massive deficit they created protect the economy and lead to prosperity?

The Conservative government took over a surplus that was being applied to paying down the federal government’s debt, providing more economic manoeuvrability.

Claiming a surplus that existed only by holding billions of dollars in military spending off the books, the Conservative government proceeded to make tax cuts. Not only had the Conservative government stopped paying down Canada’s debt but, when the cost of their military adventurism in Afghanistan was properly accounted for, begun increasing Canada’s debt again.

The Conservatives, through their demonstrated lack of fiscal responsibility or ability, are creating a level of debt that not only will our grandchildren be paying it off (to their economic detriment), but that our great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren will be burdened with.

“Home Renovation Tax Credit …leaving thousands of Canadians betrayed.” That would be as opposed to the betrayal of hundreds of thousands of unemployed Canadians, the record level of Canadians currently on EI and facing the end of EI eligibility and joining the hundreds of thousands whose EI benefits have run out, the thousands of Canadians who find themselves living in poverty or homelessness or hopelessness?

I am sorry Mr. Fast I am not nearly as concerned with homeowners who have money to spend on home improvements as I am with homeowners losing their homes, those who have lost their homes, those without money for food to eat, food banks (the need for food banks in Canada period) lacking sufficient food to distribute to hungry families and especially hungry children – all abandoned, indeed betrayed, by the current Conservative government.

The recession may be over for those earning immoderate government salaries with gold plated pensions (that even corporate executives with their million dollar bonuses wouldn’t dare give themselves), but for millions of poor Canadians, Canadians living in poverty or homelessness, those who have lost their homes and all else – the pain and effects will be felt for years and many will never recover from these reversals.

Talk about being out of touch with Canadians ….

Mr. Fast – these Canadians are not concerned with prosperity, they are concerned with survival.

Mr. Fast’s Letter

Michael Ignatieff just doesn’t get it. Canadians have made it very clear that they don’t want another election less than a year after the last one. More importantly, a federal election will stall our economic recovery which has just begun. In fact, the stock markets and Canadian dollar dropped immediately after Mr. Ignatieff announced that he was bringing down our Conservative Government and forcing Canadians into their fourth election in five years.

Mr. Ignatieff’s ill-considered action is already creating uncertainty and instability within our economy. If an election actually took place, most federal legislative and economic business would come to a virtual halt for three months. That’s bad for our economy, it’s bad for hard-working Canadians. What’s more, programs such as our recently announced Home Renovation Tax Credit would be at risk of cancellation by the Liberals, leaving thousands of Canadians betrayed.

So why are the Ignatieff Liberals pushing for an election that nobody wants? Why are they insisting on a pointless exercise which will cost taxpayers another $350 million?

First, it’s become very clear that our Conservative Government’s Economic Action Plan is working! Last month, the Bank of Canada’s governor Mark Carney announced that Canada’s economy was the first of the G-7 countries to turn the corner on the recession. And it’s no coincidence that the day before Mr. Ignatieff demanded an election, Statistics Canada released figures showing that Canada’s economy actually grew in June! Thanks to the prudent economic stewardship of Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Canada has fared much better than most other countries around the world.

However, what’s good news for the nation is not good news for Mr. Ignatieff’s thirst for power. He fears that more positive news about our Conservative government’s economic stewardship will derail his plan to become prime minister after being away from Canada for 34 long years.

Mr. Ignatieff also wants to trigger an election now so he can hang on to his majority in the Senate. He has used his unelected and unaccountable Liberal senators to block important criminal justice reforms passed by the duly-elected Members of Parliament. The Liberals have also used the Senate to block our government’s efforts to create senate elections and limit Senate terms to 8 years. As more Liberal senators retire and are replaced by democratic-minded candidates, Mr. Ignatieff would lose his power to block the will of Canadians.

Finally, if the Liberal leader waits until 2010, Canadians may have even more reason to feel good about themselves and their great country. Mr. Ignatieff is afraid that voters will be less likely to vote for change when feeling patriotic – and the 2010 Vancouver-Whistler Olympics in February will undoubtedly inflame a greater sense of patriotism and excitement across our country.

Our Conservative Government proved that it was able to govern responsibly and became the longest-serving minority parliament in Canadian history. Canadians returned us to power last October with a strengthened mandate. Surely Mr. Ignatieff and his Liberals can’t believe that Abbotsford residents want another election campaign today?
While the federal Liberals continue to threaten Canadians with an election, our Conservative government remains focussed on our number one priority: protecting Canada’s economy and continuing to invest in stimulus measures that will secure hope and prosperity for Canadians.

Courtesy of Ed Fast, M.P.

Faith must be Lived, Practiced.

The heading of a Faith Matters column, “Are you ready for the backhoe’s arrival?” had me wondering why Christian religions seem so focused on death and about the implications contained within statements such as “Are you ready for the backhoe’s arrival?”?

“Are you ready for the backhoe’s arrival?” carries within it the threat ‘the unprepared are going to suffer eternal agony’ which has always struck me as extortion. If you don’t worship ME (God), you are going to suffer for eternity. Suggesting that God is someone you do not want to encounter in a dark alley.

Although this ‘or else’ extortion approach tends to explain why Christian religions are so heavily populated by people who show up at church on Sunday and say all the right words (paying off the worship debt owed to avoid the “or else”) but fail to practice spiritual values in their daily lives.

I was raised in this death focused, ‘or else’ religious mentality and never was comfortable with spirituality. As a result spirituality was not something that existed in or impacted my day to day life.

It was not until my path led through mental illness, homelessness and poverty into recovery and wellness that I became comfortable in my own skin. As this journey of self-discovery and self-growth progressed, I began a journey of spiritual discovery and growth as well.

In sharp contrast to my previous experiences with religion and the concept of spirituality, this journey had nothing to do with death or ‘or else suffer agonizing consequences’.

In the same way my internal journey was about LIFE and the joy of a life lived well, this new spiritual journey was about the joy of weaving spirituality into the way I live, celebrate, LIFE. It was and is about establishing a personal spiritual relationship with my higher power, God as I understand her/it/him/unknowable, a relationship that is an integral part of the way one lives one’s life.

It is not a relationship to be trotted out when convenient or as needed. Indeed, it is a relationship that is often inconvenient and uncomfortable as one struggles with spirituality and the effect spiritual values have on how you live your life.

It is not a relationship that has anything to do with extorting worship, ‘or else’ or fear of death.

It is a relationship focused on LIFE and how you live it; focused on living life well and in harmony with one’s spiritual values each and every day.

One’s spirituality and relationship with your higher power becomes an intrinsic element of your life; fundamental to the way you live your life, every minute of your life.

It is not something one trots out for a few hours on a Sunday then puts away and ignores until it is once again Sunday. It is not a religious spirit one dons for a few hours on a Sunday then puts away so that the rest of the week you behaviour can be self-centered, all about yourself without regard to others, the world itself or spiritual values.

In this way it is not faith that matters; rather it is the spirituality, the relationship with your higher power that faith gives birth to in our lives that matters. All the faith in the world does you no good if it does not lead to a deepening personal spirituality and personal relationship with your higher power.

And no, I am not ready for the backhoe’s arrival. I have to much to accomplish, to many people needing help, to much life to live, a spiritual journey to continue and a personal, conscious relationship to explore with my higher power,

As a result of my ongoing journey I have no fear death, pursuing as I am a deep spiritual and personal relationship with my higher power.

Another Big Business Bailout

Obviously Canadians are wrong in thinking the role of the CRTC is to support Canadian radio and television, protect the interests of Canadians and to make decisions that benefit Canadian viewers and listeners?

But then, how were Canadians to know the CRTC’s role had changed to protecting the interests and survival of the broadcast media conglomerates until the commission’s actions revealed this change? Actions that continue the deterioration of Canadian television and the destruction of the local in local television.

The CRTC imposed a new tax on Canadians in order to fund a bailout of large corporate media conglomerates, saving them from their own bad management decisions; decisions that had the conglomerates failing to make payments on (some) loans and teetering on the edge of bankruptcy.

Apparently the media conglomerates slick advertising campaign to have the CRTC impose a new tax on Canadians and bail out the conglomerates was successful.

A campaign that a federal government that was protecting Canadian citizens, rather than the interests of big corporate media, would have charged the media conglomerates with misleading advertising for running.

The failure of the federal government to protect Canadians from this deceptive campaign and the decision to impose a new media tax on Canadian consumers to bail out the media conglomerates is hardly surprising, given the Conservative governments record of making decisions favouring big business and the wealthy, over the needs of average, hardworking Canadians.

After all, would it be reasonable to expect the Conservatives to resist the lure of the media access and gentle treatment on issues and Conservative government actions, merely to act in the best interests of Canadians and Canada?

Evidently the Conservatives found the expectation that they act in the best interests of Canada and Canadians unreasonable; choosing to act instead in the best interests of the media conglomerates.

The Conservative decision to force Canadians to bail out the corporate media conglomerates demonstrates that the Conservatives are capitalists only when it suits them or benefits big business, the wealthy or the Conservative Party.

When letting the marketplace decide the fate of the media conglomerates would result in the bankruptcy of the media conglomerates and thus return control and ownership of local media outlets to local interests, suddenly the Conservatives are all for government intervention in the marketplace.

What is the next step for these market interventionist, interfere in the marketplace Conservatives? A tax on the internet to bail out the media conglomerates print assets?

If, as I do, you support local media and media freedom then contact you local MP and the leaders of all the federal political parties to tell them this support of the interests of the big media conglomerates over the interests of Canadians and Canada is unacceptable.

Tell them that this market intervention to bail out the media conglomerates is unacceptable.

Tell them you support true local television, radio and newspapers; that you are well aware that media conglomerate ownership of local media does not qualify as local media, is detrimental to the health of local media and the health and diversity of media in Canada as a whole.

Tell them: I support local television; I do not support bailing out media conglomerates.

Tell them: I strongly oppose forcing Canadians to bail out the media conglomerates, rescuing them from their own bad business decisions. Particularly in light of the media conglomerates blatantly deceptive ‘Save local television’ campaign, the goal of which was clearly the imposition of a tax on cable customers and the use of the revenue from such a tax to bail out the media conglomerates.

Tell them to let the marketplace decide the fate, the existence or non-existence, of the media conglomerates.

Tell the federal Conservatives that the federal government is suppose to be looking after the interests of Canadians and Canada, not the best interests of the Conservative’s media sycophants.

Forgot the economic boom Mr. Premier?

And you Gordon Campbell had 7 years of unprecedented worldwide economic boom.

That was the thought that crossed my mind as I watched Gordon Campbell as he sought to misdirect attention from his governments glaring economic errors and mismanagement by calling up the ghost of NDP governments past.

Of course, given the performance of the Liberal government during its two terms in office, it is hardly surprising that Mr. Campbell does not want voters to examine this record of ineffectiveness; preferring to run against an insubstantial bogeyman conjured out of shadowy memories of NDP governments past.

Seven years of worldwide economic boom during which Mr Campbell and his Liberals managed to increased the numbers of homeless; increased the numbers of those living in poverty; maintained BC’s damning distinction of having more children living in poverty six years in a row; increased the numbers of full time working poor who cannot afford to live in the city’s they work in.

When the Liberals became the government BC had the highest minimum wage; BC now has the lowest minimum wage in Canada and the highest cost of living.

The wealthy however made out like bandits thanks to Mr. Campbell whose government oversaw a transfer of wealth to the wealthy from all other British Columbians as Mr. Campbell decreased progressive taxes and replaced them with regressive taxes.

Mr. Campbell and his merry band of Liberals: Robbing from the poor to give to the rich.

Mr. Campbell has overseen the continued deterioration, begun under the NDP, of the public school system. Universities in BC are forced to test incoming high school graduates to see what level of remedial classes are required to bring students up to an acceptable level of competency.

And in an apparent attempt to ensure the continuation of the Liberal government the Liberals have acted to maximize the number of BC voters who lack the literacy skills to read and understand the government’s actions and the actual state the province is in by attacking Public Libraries by withholding funding.

In keeping with their less government ideology the Liberals have turned the BC medical system into a bureaucratic quagmire into which billions of dollars, along with a growing list of medical services, have disappear. Mr. Campbell’s “leadership” has resulted in a medical delivery system that is unsustainable and that, without raising billions in new tax dollars to feed its voracious appetite, will be forced to continue to shed programs and services to balance its budgets.

Massive cost overruns (the convention centre); going with the flashy and most expensive options rather than the most cost effective (Sky Train rather than light rail); decisions made on ideology rather than the best long term interests of the province (sale of BC Rail); salary levels in government and government corporations that are overly generous and out of line with results achieved by those receiving these extravagant wages – at the same time the government strives to hold down wage levels for working BC citizens.

Given the lack of integrity and judgement repeatedly demonstrated by Mr. Campbell’s Liberal government it is hardly surprising that the government is focused on serving the needs of those who have, will or could contribute to their winning re-election, rather than the needs of those British Columbians who truly need help just to survive.

If they cannot contribute to the Liberals continuing in power, why should the Liberal Party make any effort to understand the reality of life in BC, not only for the addicted, mentally ill, homeless and poor BC citizens, but for the increasing numbers of citizens who are scrambling to avoid joining the ranks of homeless and poor?

Be very clear – when Mr. Campbell says we do not have the funds or cannot afford to address the social issues and ills in BC what he is truly saying is that these are not a priority for him; unlike his own salary and gold-plated retirement plan.

Ironically, despite Mr. Campbell’s finger pointing, the NDP government left the province’s finances in better shape heading into the last economic downturn than the Liberal government left the province’s finances heading into the current economic downturn.

The true irony and insult to integrity is that Mr. Campbell and the Liberals began their government complaining about the NDP withholding information and misleading voters about the true state of affairs in BC. The outpouring of bad news since the recent provincial election shows that when it comes to withholding information and misleading voters the difference between Mr. Campbell’s government and the NDP is that the Liberals covered-up well enough to get re-elected.

And isn’t that the hallmark of a successful politician theses days?