Fatally Flawed Proportional Representation Proposal

From ignoring, or failing to recognize, that the profound ongoing effects of the proposed change to British Columbia’s method of electing governments and politicians makes the decision on the NDP/Green proposal the most significant decision ever made by voters in BC;

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BZN News: Random Breathalyser Testing

June 18, 2018

Contemplative Canadians reacted to Canadian Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould’s statement that she was “extremely disappointed” because the Senate opposed legislation granting police the power to conduct random breathalyser tests, with support for the Senate’s “upholding of Canadian values” against the “appalling assault” by Federal Justice Minister Wilson-Raybould.

Wilson-Raybould’s actions were judged as making it clear the testing really needed was electroencephalograms [EEGs] for politicians to confirm – or deny – the presence of brain activity.


New Weapons Needed

The May 30, 2018 Abbotsford News editorial  “New Weapons Needed” about the continuing death toll taken by fentanyl brought to mind the words “makes clear the writer is part of the conforming majority, complacently adjusted to accepting what society believes – knows for sure – about drug use and related issues.

The problem…….is that what is accepted as known for sure is wrong.

The bold words are taken verbatim from a commentary on the October 31, 2017 Abbotsford News editorial on drug overdose deaths.

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Actions and Consequences

Driving past the rock garden located across the road from MCC’s thrift store on Gladys Avenue on Victoria Day, poetic justice put a cheshire cat grin on my face.

The consequences of the actions, and the failures to act, of the City of Abbotsford, resulted in members of Abbotsford’s homeless community taking up residence at this Monument to Ineptitude.

AbbotsfordHome;ess Hunt

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