Like rats from a sinking ship …

The announcement that Mr. Bottrill is leaving for a position in Surrey raises questions about whether the City of Abbotsford is in worse shape, the problems bigger and future bleaker than those citizens concerned about the current state of affairs of the City of Abbotsford and its future thought likely.

This announcement underscores concerns that the financial situation and other challenges facing the City will prevent finding the leadership and excellence in a City Manager needed to lead/manage Abbotsford and avoid simply levying higher and higher levels of property taxes.

Mr. Bottrill’s departure, following on that of Don Lymes’s, taken together with upcoming retirements, highlights the fact the city is being stripped of its most competent people at a time when that competence, knowledge and experience is badly needed.

At this rate we will soon be, if not already are, left with only those who cannot find a position elsewhere remaining on the City payroll.

Put all this together with the spendthrift ways of City Hall and the current council – and we are looking at a hole so deep, only years of double digit property tax increases will keep the city financially liquid.

That’s Gibberish, not reasoned, scientific arguement

I would like to respond to Donald J. St. Pierre factually deficient diatribe (Post Feb. 29) against reason, science and evolution.

Anyone who has conducted biology experiments with fruit flies has seen evolution in motion. However, it is not necessary to turn to the laboratory to see evolution occurring when Abbotsford sits surrounded by the ongoing many experiments and experimental results in evolution that is agriculture.

Evolution does not require a new species as an outcome as can be seen in the definition of evolution at “Biology: change in the gene pool of a population from generation to generation by such processes as mutation, natural selection, and genetic drift”. Evolution is change in the gene pool.

Milk production, beef cattle, crops all have been and continue to be genetically changed by the efforts of mankind. In fact one of the major driving forces of evolution today is the actions of mankind either deliberately or as a side effect of those actions.

Given the babbled mumbo jumbo that Mr. St Pierre ties to pass off as a scientific argument, it is not surprising he has such a poor grasp of what the theory, science and underlying principles of evolution are and/or about.

Yes mass is a manifestation of energy but its conversion to energy is governed by Einstein’s famous E=mc2 not the Laws of Thermodynamics.

Thermodynamics is the study of the inter-relation between heat, work and internal energy of a system. In simplest terms, the Laws of Thermodynamics dictate the specifics for the movement of heat and work. The Laws of Thermodynamics are actually specific manifestations of the law of conservation of mass-energy as it relates to thermodynamic processes.

The Laws of Thermodynamics are not the set of Laws that govern the Universe. They are a subset of a subset of the Laws of Physics (motion, gravity, relativity, conservation of mass-energy etc) and until such time as a grand unifying theory for the Laws of Physics emerges and survives testing, there is not a “Law” that can be said to govern the Universe.

As to Mr. St. Pierre’s claims of what evolution contradicts.

I will concede that if you use the narrow meaning of the term Biogenesis that is the basis of Creation biology, then within that limited definition, evolution clashes with biogenesis. However if one does not misuse the term biogenisis by limiting it in this manner, there is no law of biogenesis saying that very primitive life cannot form from increasingly complex molecules.

A cursory study of the Laws of Thermodynamics reveals that the Fourth Law is about biological systems and encompasses evolution.

As to Laws of cause and effect or probability, I cannot comment further until Mr. St. Pierre provides examples of what he means as it appears to this observer that not only do these laws not contradict evolution, these laws suggest and support evolution.

While I would commend Mr. St. Pierre for his statement about debate without the rantings of emotional philosophical bias, I am left wondering when he plans to begin or join such a debate?

Picture worth more than words – in shining light on City’s Mickey Mouse Behaviours

Below is the photo of the board at Abbotsford Recreation Centre (week of February 25, 2008) that the Abbotsford Parks and Rec department needed so badly for advertising and promoting their programs that they HAD to take over the board used for posting community announcements and upcoming events.

Below is the photo of the smaller board put in for the community to use – after public complaints about Parks and Rec actions were made to council. Fortunately inquiries by the mayor resulted in the new board going in immediately instead of at some indefinite time in the future as Parks and Rec stated would/could happen.

Now, Parks and Rec desperately needed the board for what exactly?

Parks and Rec has the big board and the small board is for community announcements because … …Parks and Rec felt like it or that this is the way it is done in Abbotsford?

And City hall wonders why people think they pay no attention to taxpayers needs or customer service/satisfaction.

Non-professional behaviour – by the Abbotsford Polise Department

I have again been again told of actions by the Abbotsford Police Department that suggests they have a different standard of treatment for the homeless; which is both unprofessional and unacceptable behaviour.

One of the homeless approached me today to relate an incident that occurred with the Abbotsford Police Department. Someone, who was not themselves homeless but works with the homeless, had suggested to him that if he spoke to me I could write about it and perhaps something may come of that. Several other members of the homeless community spoke to me about this incident as well.

It says something rather disturbing about the behaviours of the APD and the City of Abbotsford that in an incident where it was felt an injustice was done, the only recourse that was felt to be open to the homeless was through my writing. How would you feel if your only recourse for unjust treatment was something posted on and sent as a letter to the editor on the off chance it may be published and questions asked? I find that reality disturbing.

As the story goes someone phoned the police to say he was physically abusing the woman he was with.

He said that previously someone who had an issue with him chose to cause him problems by telling the APD that he was an abuser of woman. Although no charges were ever laid the APD has him on record as an abuser and he feels treats him unfavourably and with physical roughness because of this.

I do not know the truth of this earlier problem as I lack the resources to investigate and it is not my job to ascertain the truth of this matter, one way or the other. It is the job, the duty, of the APD to have found out if he was an abuser or if the other person was merely using (or should that be abusing?) the APD for revenge. It is the job of the APD to make that determination, particularly if their treatment of this man is going to be based on that claim.

The facts I do know about this recent incident is that when the police arrived the couple were nowhere near each other. That the woman stated there was no physical abuse (a statement she also made to me) and that if someone had made such a report, they had mistaken the horseplay going on for an assault.

The police promptly ignored what they were told by both him and her. They handcuffed him, handling this roughly enough to leave his wrist bruised, and tossed him in a cell for 15 hours. No charges were filed and he was released and left to walk home. Her they just dumped at the Emergency Shelter.

I would never claim this person is a saint. I can say I have known him several years and never seen any behaviour of abuse to women. But the real reason for doubting he was physically assaulting her is that I have also known her for several years and in a physical confrontation I would be betting my money on her.

They are homeless and even if not exactly upstanding or outstanding citizens they have the right to be treated with professionalism, fairness and courtesy. We (and they) are Canadians living in Abbotsford not citizens of North Korea. The APD needs to be reminded of that fact and required to respect the rights of all citizens, including the homeless.

Not an Eclipse – The Truth is Out There.

On Wednesday February 20, 2008 there was neither a lunar eclipse not a launch against a falling “spy satellite” as was widely reported. These stories were merely the attempt by the Powers That Be to keep the public in ignorance about the events that actually occurred on that evening.

Fortunately for the public and unfortunately for those attempting to perpetrate this deception, the stories and explanations they sought to use were so thin as to be transparent and readily seen through.

It was not a lunar eclipse that obscured the moon but an alien interstellar vessel whose path, size and close proximity to earth gave the general outward appearance of a lunar eclipse. The destruction of the starship and its subsequent break-up, clearing the line of sight to the moon, helped complete the illusion of a lunar eclipse.

It was against this inbound starship that the US Navy launched its attack, not some mythical “spy satellite”. Under the guise of shooting down a “spy satellite” with poisonous fuel onboard, the military destroyed our interstellar visitor.

No doubt the starship homed in on Earth because, on the basis of radio frequencies, Earth is a brilliantly lit up object as a result of all our media broadcasting signals into space.

Given the vast distances and travel times involved in voyaging between the stars the exploration crew and scientists would travel in some form of cold sleep or suspended animation. The fact the crew was not awakened prior to the ship heading for orbital insertion (why wake the crew up before it was definitely established the planet was of interest) supports the conclusion that our visitors were explorers and not hostile.

Why would a starship be destroyed?

Concrete proof of intelligent alien life together with whatever knowledge and ideas they may have chosen to share with the world would have had a profound effect on mankind. The effects would have had a high potential of causing massive social upheaval and change. Inherent in this change was the likely displacement of our current ruling class.

Unwilling to run the risk of losing their power and control of the people the ruling class destroyed the starship and the threat to their power. The need to act quickly resulted in the very thin stories of a lunar eclipse and “spy satellite” destruction to cover up their atrocity, greed and lust for power.

We will never know the knowledge, the glories that mankind would have gained from our visitors. What bright future for mankind was sacrificed just so the ruling class can continue to enjoy the wealth and privileges that comes from their rule?