Reality VS. Perception – Genesis: The Justin Papers 001

When the results of Canada’s 2015 federal election were in and it was clear that Canadian voters had given the Liberal Party a substantial majority thereby choosing Justin Trudeau as Prime Minister [since voters re-elected MP Trudeau] I began composing a letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to express my concerns about the divergence between Reality as it Exists and Reality as perceived by politicians, pundits, specific interest groups and presented to Canadians by the media as the Truth without any true diversity of thought, challenge, examination or analysis..

Reality does not care what your ideology says is true, what you believe is true or what you want to be true; Reality does not care what we think, it exists separately from us and simply is what it is.                   Tao of James


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Day 6

It is the fourth revolution on its axis of our planet on our planet’s recently begun new journey around our sun. The sixth day of the new year.

In truth the New Year should be tied to the Winter Solstice since the solstice is the point in time that our planets solar dance turns from the deepening sleep of winter towards the awakening and rebirth of Spring as the minutes of daylight stop decreasing and begin to increase.

Continue reading Day 6

Disaster Poised Like a Tsunami Part II of II

Enter the Hero.

It came to be that I found myself sitting in the Macdonalds at Metrotown in Vancouver, having made my way there from where my car had died on me many blocks away, with my Tab 3 connected to Macdonalds WiFi with access to internet pondering Hmm.

As I sitting there pondering who to email the Facebook app that I opened along with email and chrome [google search] browser popped up an Icon that someone in my friends list had just opened their Facebook app. A click and I could see it was a friend who lives in Vancouver who i met while I was living in the car I owned at the time.


Continue reading Disaster Poised Like a Tsunami Part II of II