Media needs to address the issues pf drug policy and legalization.

I was reading Mike Archer’s comments in Abbotsford Today about how the old media (newspapers, television news) needs to learn “how to simply tell it straight” on important issues such as drug legalization which lead to the following commentary by me:

I wrote and submitted several letters/commentaries during our recent blitz of hand wringing and “the sky is falling” reporting that took place during the weeks when gang warfare filled the pages or airtime in the best “if it bleeds it leads” traditional media practices.

I pointed out that if you want to “lock ‘em up” you need a place to incarcerate them which we lack as our prison system is currently full and overflowing. Thus in order to carry out a program of long prison sentences would require an investment of billions of dollars in new prisons and more millions of dollars on a yearly basis to operate the prisons.

It was pointed out that arresting all the drug dealers in BC would have only a transitory effect since within a matter of days new people would have stepped in to reap the lucrative rewards that our policy choices have pumped into the illegal drug trade.

An exploration was made about the manner in which our greed based society, with its economic and cultural inequities, lack of options/opportunities and emphasis on greed, self-centeredness and ME, ensures a steady and ready supply of people willing to be employed in the illegal drug trade with its high material rewards.

Economic analysis revealed that what are termed “successes” by law enforcement pump more money into the illegal drug business providing the illegal business with more funds to spend to import/export/distribute the product (drugs) and increase the economic rewards to those employed in the illegal drug business.

Economic analysis also revealed how important the illegal drug business is in cushioning the effects of the worldwide economic meltdown on the BC economy and the other positive effects on the BC economy of having a major billion dollar agricultural export crop that is recession proof. Even in good times the large cash flow created by the illegal drug business is a major positive factor in the BC economy; whether from the illegal drug business or from the law enforcement employment resulting from keeping these drugs illegal.

The fact that calling it a “drug war” was inaccurate and misleading was examined since the war is not on drugs but on the addicts who use drugs. The victims of illegal drugs are further victimized by the war being waged against them by society and its agencies.

Supply/demand capitalist theory makes clear that the only way to successfully reduce the illegal drug trade is to reduce demand, to stop waging war on the addicts and instead render to them the aid they need to get into recovery and out of addiction. That our policy must focus on putting in place the infrastructure and supports to successfully get addicts into recovery and wellness.

The falseness of the argument that legalizing drugs would lead to increased drug use was revealed by the fact that anyone anywhere can find the illegal drug of their choice. Thus those who would turn to drugs have, leaving no flood of new addiction to occur since those who would be addicts are already addicts.

The insanity of continuing to do the same thing over and over decade after decade was noted.

All this leads to the conclusion that we need a major change in policy to legalize drugs in the same manner prohibition was repealed. Especially in light of the reality that alcohol is the most abused drug, abused more than all illegal drugs combined.

With the economic reality Canada and the world faces we as a society cannot continue to waste resources on ineffectual policies. We no longer can afford the luxury of pursuing a costly and failing policy simply because we are emotionally and ideologically attached to the policy.

We need to have a rational national discussion on legalization.

Yet the traditional media did not print even one letter that questions the intelligence of our current policy.

In their arguments that there should be an internet tax with the monies raised going to support newspapers, newspapers and staff cited newspapers being “important to our democracy”.

How can newspapers and other traditional media claim to be important to democracy when they refuse to examine the reality of the issue of our policies on illegal drugs?

Obviously they can’t.

Which is why you are correct when stating “If it is to survive at all, the old media has to learn, once again, how to simply tell it straight.”

Not to mention being willing to address issues of national importance even if such an examination is not considered “politically correct.”

Mike Archer’s comments:

A story broke in the Vancouver Sun April 15, that read more the like the screenplay to a Burt Reynolds movie about rum-running in the 1920’s than it did a major drug bust in 2009.

The story was about an Abbotsford man who was caught transporting 150 kilos of pot across the border. Every newspaper story I read on the subject called him a farm boy and ran with photos of what looked like three good ‘ole boys who had made a bad business decision.

The Vancouver Sun editors even went so far as to include s sub-head over the story that said: “Jansen basically a ‘law-abiding’ citizen, lawyer says.”

The connections between this story and the stories about gang violence and death, about which we’ve been so concerned, don’t much enter into the whole impression a reader might get from the packaging. If these were good kids who made a bad mistake then I guess the much-demonized Bacon Brothers are just good kids who made worse mistakes.

They’ve both been playing the same game. Why are the two stories treated so differently?

How does ‘basically law-abiding’ go together with ‘trucking 158 kilos of pot across the border’?

These are either drug dealers or folk heros. Let’s make up our minds.

We’re staring a depression in the face as bad as The Great Depression and we can’t seem to get our stories straight about the world we live in. Everyone acknowledges that prohibition didn’t work; in fact it created crime and violence. Our modern version of prohibition isn’t faring any better, nor do we seem to remember how they worked it out nearly a century ago when they faced the same situation.

If ever there was a time for straight talk it is now. The old media has forgotten how to do that. The media (including the new media) is always playing to its perceived audience. Right now the traditional media is wandering blind in a dark cave where none of its tools will shed any light on the situation or tell it where its audience has gone.

Self-censorship is a cardinal sin for a journalist and yet we have reached a point where the old media seems more like packaged information looking for an audience, prepared to be repackaged in an instant depending on the audience.

But consumers of information have become more savvy and more impatient. Today, content matters more than the packaging and an industry that has concentrated on nothing else for decades can’t remember how to do it. The new media has yet to find its place but it will be on the right track if it dares to tell the truth. Abbotsford Today’s Vince Dimanno said as much in his column The Truth Politicians know the media game better than those in the media and are very successful at manipulating it to serve their own ends. If it is to survive at all, the old media has to learn, once again, how to simply tell it straight.

For those who don’t remember how it all got worked out a century ago; the guys who made bad decisions became folk heros, the guys who made worse decisions went to jail or got killed and, oh yeah, they ended prohibition and legalized booze because the ‘war on booze’ just didn’t work.

Current BC election illegal and undemocratic?

The judgement that emerges from a deliberate consideration of the choices being offered BC voters in our current BC provincial election is that this election is no more free and democratic than elections in China.

In China voters “choose” from among candidates presented to them from the Communist Party.

Our provincial BC politicians would undoubtedly claim that citizens can “choose” from among the candidates and various political parties.

The problem is what, as is the case in the current election, if none of the choices offered are acceptable?

This is exactly the situation that more and more citizens find themselves in at election time and either have no one to cast a ballot for or, if they want some kind of say, are forced to vote for the least objectionable.

If citizens are denied their right to vote because there is not a candidate who they want to choose to represent them or are forced to vote for the “least objectionable” choices then these citizens have been denied their right to vote for candidates of their choice.

Therefore it follows that the current election in BC is not occurring in a “free electoral system” and thus is not a democratic process.

This is the exact position I find myself in. No party or candidates are addressing the issues and priorities I deem most important. I also find myself with serious policy differences with the positions taken by the parties and their candidates.

In a democracy one would have the option of addressing this lack of acceptable choices among those being offered by choosing to run oneself. Indeed in the municipal election in November of 2008 I was able to exercise my Charter guaranteed right to seek office and thus raise issues.

In BC my right to seek office and be heard is denied me in violation of my Charter rights, a right acknowledged by Elections BC on their own website.

Livings in poverty I am prevented from participating and seeking office through the imposition of the $250 fee required in filing the appropriate documents and running in the election. There are tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of poor and those living in poverty who are in a similar situation and denied the right to run or be represented by peers through the agency of the filing fee.

My right to run is a Charter right and I could seek to have my rights recognized and enforced by the Supreme Court of Canada. All I would need is the money to hire effective legal representation. Of course if I had that kind of money I could afford the $250 and the point would be moot. Catch – 22.

Whether it is tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or simply me – the current electoral system violates our/my Charter rights to seek election, to be represented by peers and/or to vote for candidates of ones choice.

Thus the current BC election is undemocratic in nature. Any results arising from this election can no more be called democratic or claimed to represent the will of the people than an election in a nation such as China can.

Further, since it violates the Charter rights of BC citizens, this election is illegal and any outcome tainted by that illegality.

Friendship Garden not very friendly.

Finding myself confronted by the in your face fence surrounding the “Friendship” Garden as I parked at Clearbrook Library recalled to mind the question that had posed asking: “Do you believe the city’s $1-million Friendship Garden was a good public investment?”

Where once visitors to the Clearbrook Library where greeted with an open vista of grassy treed space, they now are confronted by a fence that is a blight upon the landscape – ugly to the point of being an eyesore.

The glaring contradiction in calling something a Friendship Garden while building a solid fence with locking gates that prevents people from seeing inside and provides the means to lock people out demonstrates once again the desperate need for a dictionary at City Hall.

Just how can erecting such a fence be construed as friendly behaviour?

I remembered the view of open grassy green space with tall shade trees that had for years welcomed visitors to the library; the gentle slopes, soft grass and shade that invited people to step off the concrete walkway and into the green space.

During spring and summer there were always individuals, families and kids taking advantage of this space to walk, sit on the grass to read, eat lunch or just enjoy sitting there enjoying the sun and breeze with the trees providing shade as needed.

The green space that, lying outside the lower (basement) level entrance, was perfect for the library’s plan to relocate the children’s section to that more spacious and open area of the library. With a pond now just outside the entrance doors that plan is scuttled since the librarians are to responsible to locate the children’s section near the pond.

Abbotsford City Hall and Council had neither the courtesy nor the consideration to consult the library, whose space they usurped, about how this space should be used. Focusing on council’s wants and to bad about the children and their needs – highly Ironic considering the children will be the ones paying for the spending excesses of City Council.

In destroying what was a people friendly green space used by people and in denying the use of the space inside and outside the lower library entrance as a wonderful children’s area city council’s actions were not only NOT a good public investment but were a disservice to citizens, children and the city.


Why is it that on matters of lavish spending of taxpayer’s money for vanity projects Abbotsford City Council is bull-headed and rides roughshod over all opposition, but on matters of important public issues such as affordable housing turn into a bunch of invertebrates (1. creatures without a backbone; 2. without strength of character)?

While the recent announcement about the housing project on Clearbrook Road was most welcome, the fact that the Emerson housing project was scrapped was not only damaging but cancerous to the objective of meeting the need for safe, supportive and affordable housing in Abbotsford.

From the provincial government $11 million dollars for construction plus money for the yearly operating costs of badly needed affordable housing and City Council is not interested; but $500,000 for an unneeded garden that cost taxpayers an additional $700,000 and City Council bulled ahead over all protests.

Apparently those citizens working tirelessly to provide the wide range of affordable housing needed in Abbotsford have been going about this in the wrong manner. Obviously they should have been talking about projects in Chilliwack and Langley and how Abbotsford needed bigger and better such projects at a cost of $$$ millions in taxpayers dollars.

Unlike Abbotsford city hall where money apparently grows on trees, the organizations who in good faith put in proposals for the Emerson project have limited funds and resources.

Because of Abbotsford city council’s behaviour the time, effort and resources these organizations used in pursuing proposals on the Emerson housing project were wasted rather than spent helping those in need of help.

In future what level of government or what organization is going to want to invest time and effort in working with an Abbotsford City Council that cannot be counted on to honour its commitments?

How much more of a struggle has getting safe, affordable and supportive housing become because of Abbotsford city council’s lack of intestinal fortitude and character?

Abbotsford City Council’s Addiction

Derek and Katie Lambird and their neighbours are not alone in having run afoul of the bylaw Nazis and facing costly fines.

Over the past week and more citizens have been telling me that “… something needs to be done about …” or that “…someone needs to write and warn citizens about …” either the unprecedented enthusiasm of bylaw enforcement levying fines or the inventive new ways Abbotsford police have been finding to ambush and issue tickets to drivers in the city.

This state of affairs should come as no surprise to residents. I certainly was not surprised to find a ticket on my windshield when the two hour free parking by Community Services became exactly two hours of free parking instead of the previous 2 hours plus 5 – 10 minutes.

I was annoyed and disgusted, but I definitely was not surprised thinking “…their spending addiction is way out of hand if they NEED the money this badly ….”

When you have a city council that is addicted to evermore spending; a city council that has no understanding of the concepts of fiscal discipline, sound fiscal policy and planning, due diligence, duty of care or fiscal responsibility; it should come as no surprise to any citizen that such a city council will find itself in desperate need of funds to feed their spending addiction.

Faced with a city council that comes up with a Fudget as opposed to a budget, which sought to impose a parking fee at Mill Lake and dreams of imposing a gas tax – is anyone surprised at their decision to exploit the untapped potential of bylaw and traffic fines to bleed funds out of taxpayer’s pockets and into city coffers?

While Derek and Katie Lambird and other citizens should indeed dispute these tickets, it is far more important that the Lambirds and all Abbotsford citizens email, phone or communicate in any manner possible to the Mayor and all city councillors that this behaviour, this extortion, is unacceptable and that Council must get its financial house in order and learn to live within its means.

Until such time as city council learns to budget not Fudget: Caveat Civitas – let citizens beware.