Of History, Ethics and Abbotsford Regional Hospital

The Hippocratic Oath is one of the most widely known of Greek medical texts and is the earliest [5 – 3 century BC] expressions of medical ethics in the Western world. The Oath required new physicians to swear by a number of healing gods, to uphold specific ethical standards.

That swearing a modified form of the Oath remains a rite of passage for medical graduates in many countries today attests to the importance of the Oath in establishing principles of medical ethics. Several of the original Oath’s ethical standards, including medical confidentiality and non-maleficence, remain important today.

Continue reading Of History, Ethics and Abbotsford Regional Hospital

Appendix A

BC Recent Election Results 1996 to 201


Affiliation Total valid votes  % of popular vote Candidates elected
BC Conservative Party 10,421 0.53% 0
BC Green Party 332,331 16.83% 3
BC Liberal Party 797,194 40.37% 43
BC NDP 795,527 40.29% 41
Christian Heritage Party BC 3,398 0.17% 0
Libertarian 7,743 0.39% 0
Independent 20,971 1.06% 1
Other* 7,127 0.36% 0

* Other

BC Action Party
BC Cascadia Party
BC Citizens First Party
BC First
BC Refed
BC Social Credit Party
Communist Party of BC
Land Air Water-The L.A.W.
Republican Party
The Vancouver Island Party
Your Political Party of BC



Affiliation Total valid votes  % of popular vote Candidates elected
BC First 1,275 0.07% 0
BC Liberal Party 795,274 44.13% 49
BC NDP 715,855 39.72% 34
Conservatives 85,637 4.75% 0
Green Party of BC 146,685 8.15% 1
Libertarian 2,050 0.11% 0
Independent 42,559 2.36% 1
Other affiliations* 12,814 0.71% 0


Advocational Party
BC Excalibur Party
BC Marijuana Party
BC Social Credit Party
B.C. Vision
British Columbia Party
Christian Heritage Party of B.C.
Communist Party of BC
Helping Hand Party
The Platinum Party
Unparty: The Consensus-Building Party
Work Less Party
Your Party
No Affiliation


Affiliation Total valid votes  % of popular vote Candidates elected
BC Liberal Party 751,661 45.82% 49
BC NDP 691,564 42.15% 35
Conservatives 34,451 2.10% 0
Green Party of BC 134,616 8.21% 0
Independent 17,253 1.05% 1
Other affiliations* 10,997 0.67% 0


BC Marijuana Party
BC Refed
BC Reform
Communist Party of BC
People’s Front
The Sex Party
Western Canada Concept
Work Less Party
No Affiliation


Affiliation Total valid votes  % of popular vote Candidates elected
BC Conservative Party 9,623 0.55% 0
 BC Liberal Party  807,118  45.80% 46
BC Marijuana Party 11,519 0.65% 0
Democratic Reform BC 14,022 0.80% 0
Green Party of BC 161,842 9.17% 0
NDP of B.C. 731,719 41.52% 33
Independent 16,152 0.92% 0
*Other Affiliations 10,348 0.59% 0


BC Youth Coalition
The Bloc BC
British Columbia Party
B.C. Patriot Party
Social Credit
BC Unity Party
Communist Party of BC
Emerged Democratic Party of B.C.
The Freedom Party
People’s Front
The Platinum Party
Reform BC
The Sex Party
Western Canada Concept
Refed BC
Work Less Party
Your Party
No Affiliation)


Affiliation Total valid votes  % of popular vote Candidates elected
BC Liberal Party 916,888 57.62% 77
BC Marijuana Party 51,206 3.22% 0
Green Party 197,231 12.39% 0
NDP of B.C. 343,156 21.56% 2
Unity Party of BC 51,426 3.23% 0
*Other Affiliations 31,399 1.98% 0


All Nations Party of British Columbia
B.C. Action Party
British Columbia Citizens Alliance Now
British Columbia Conservative Party
British Columbia Patriot Party
British Columbia Social Credit Party
The Central Party
Citizens Commonwealth Federation
Communist Party of BC
Council of British Columbians
The Freedom Party of British Columbia
Party of Citizens Who Have Decided To Think For
Themselves And Be Their Own Politicians
People’s Front
Reform Party of British Columbia
Western Reform
In de pend ent
No A fil i tion


Affiliation Total valid votes  % of popular vote Candidates elected
BC Liberal Party 661,929 41.82% 33
BC Libertarian Party 2,041 0.13%
BC Social Credit Party 6,276 0.40%
Family Coalition Party of BC 4,150 0.26%
Green Party Political Ass. of BC 31,511 1.99%
Natural Law Party 2,919 0.18%
NDP of BC 624,395 39.45% 39
Progressive Democratic Alliance 90,797 5.74% 1
Reform Party of BC 146,734 9.27% 2
*Other Affiliations 11,952 0.76%


Common Sense, Community, Family Party;
Communist Party of British Columbia
Progressive Conservative Party of British Columbia;
Western Canada Concept Party of B.C;
No Affiliation.

Leadership, Leadership, Wherefore Art Thou?

The Liberal’s recently completed selection of a new Leader to replace Christy Clark presented the Liberal party with the opportunity to explore the issues – and their consequences if not addresses – facing BC and to explore ideas and options for addressing the issues challenging BC’s future

Issues that include healthcare, homelessness, addiction, housing affordability, liveable wages and other social issues as well as government finances [vis-à-vis the services British Columbians demand] and the economic barriers to a prosperous future for BC and its citizens.

The Liberals did not simply duck the opportunity to explore the issues, obstacles, options and the best choices for balanced action – they dove for cover and huddled there with their heads down.

Continue reading Leadership, Leadership, Wherefore Art Thou?

New Leader, Same Old, Same Old

The words uttered by Andrew Wilkinson, the Oxford educated lawyer and MLA for wealthy Vancouver Quadra who was selected the new leader of the BC Liberal party, make it clear the focus of the Liberal party is on playing politics and winning elections, NOT on statesmanship, governance or the present and future prosperity of BC citizens.

With the Liberals focusing on playing politics and winning elections, and given the high probability the NDP and their Green sycophants will continue to fail to grasp the current economic reality of BC, we are headed to a future in which BC citizens fondly reminisce about ‘the good old days’ when Christy Clark’s was premier.

Continue reading New Leader, Same Old, Same Old