
January 15, 2018     BZN News     [Geneva]

Advances in imaging technology now allow scientists and researchers to observe the brain functioning in real time. This has allowed scientists and researchers to have test subjects read, do mathematics, listen to music etc. and observe what part or parts of the brain are used in performing specific tasks.

Scientists announced today that a review of the mass of data collected on the functioning of the human brain in recent years has revealed the existence of individuals who, when interacted with, result in a reduction of brain activity in anyone interacting with these individuals.

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Homeless $$$$ Going…….Where?

While reading the Abbotsford News story about the 20 extra rental supplements the BC government is adding  to the supplements already available in Abbotsford, I found myself wondering what Abbotsford City Council is really doing with all the funds it claims it is spending on cleanup and other costs of dealing with the homeless.


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