Sol III date: 23 October 2015                      Stardate: 93413.41


A thank you to Cass who took time on her day off to supply a ride to the Salvation Army for me. It was much appreciated and because I was there before noon I was able to get some sliced whole wheat bread, bagels and some coleslaw which, together with my recent acquisition of peanut butter means I have food that will last until early next week.

Continue reading Sol III date: 23 October 2015                      Stardate: 93413.41

Sol III date: 18 October 2015       Stardate: 93399.58 


I am still trapped in my residence and in my own head without a means of escape as I have not been able to find someone who can repair my slipping clutch for the slightly under $700 I have as opposed to the repair shops $1,000 [based on what ‘the book’ says].

Continue reading Sol III date: 18 October 2015       Stardate: 93399.58 

Federal Election – Harper and the Conservatives Part IV of V

As noted earlier – in thinking about the state of Canada’s finances and the economy, it became clear that as difficult as I found it to comprehend it was possible, even likely, that Stephen Harper and the Conservatives in fact see themselves as doing a good job – telling themselves that Canada’s finances and economy would be in much worse shape under any other party’s management.


Continue reading Federal Election – Harper and the Conservatives Part IV of V